Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 27He had but just resumed his seat when there came a dreadful crash . There was a rending and splitting of wood , the crash and fall of broken glass , loud cries and frightened screams of his fellow passengers — a heavy weight fell upon his ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 9For advenPADAME BERNHARDT has had an adventurous life , which is no business , and not much interest of ours . ' The comment was ... Sarah Bernhardt became an actress almost by accident ; but she was a superb professional . She took ... Trouvé à l'intérieurNousavonsentendu parler de Sarah Bernhardt l'illustre comédienne ! ... Et voilàle premier accident,l'enfant faitbasculer sapetite chaise, tombe dans le feu, ... Trouvé à l'intérieur11 In 1915, as the result of an accident while Sarah Bernhardt was playing the title role in Victorien Sardou's drama La Tosca, one of her legs had to be ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 33While Julie lived the gay , irresponsible life of a Parisian butterfly , her daughter Sarah , a weak , anæmic child , cursed with a terrific ... the child could amuse herself with pieces of coloured paper - the only toys Sarah Bernhardt knew until she was three years old . ... She was three months recovering from the severe burns she had sustained , and until she died she bore scars to remind her of the accident . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 6239 The coupling of the name of Richepin with that of Sarah Bernhardt was not an accident , for their liaison , of several months ' duration , had been ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 59The famous French actress Sarah bernhardt lived up to her nickname, ... even after her right leg was amputated after an accident. in spite of her wooden leg ... Trouvé à l'intérieurMy actual going on the stage was an accident—or rather the solution of a problem ... At seven years of age, Sarah Bernhardt had so far recovered that she ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 233Ads for La Diaphane hair powder and perfume that featured an image of Sarah Bernhardt ran in La Vie parisienne as early as 1880, just as the Bernhardt ... It's 1882 and Oliver Redcastle, an ex-Pinkerton detective and a former Union Army sharpshooter, has inherited a house in Baltimore and a new daughter. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 595IMPRESSIONS OF SARAH BERNHARDT By ARTHUR SYMONS T was in London in 1895 that by a curious accident I first met Sarah Bernhardt — the accident was that I met Leopold Wenzel , the Austrian conductor of the Empire , at a private ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 193Un monsieur se dévoue pour porter une dépêche ainsi conçue : « Sarah Bernhardt Philadelphie . Accident train . Voie encombrée . Changez spectacle . » Malgré tout , je n'ai pas renoncé à arriver . Mon compagnon me servant d'interprète , je ... Elle envoyait à ma nourrice: des vêtements pour elle, et des gâteaux pour moi." À PROPOS DES ÉDITIONS LIGARAN : Les éditions LIGARAN proposent des versions numériques de grands classiques de la littérature ainsi que des livres rares ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 3Zoé , la danseuse enfuie du cirque , semblait la silhouette vive de Sarah Bernhardt s'évadant de la Comédie - Française . L'incident était encore trop proche pour être oublié , et les coincidences se produisaient d'elles - mémes . Quand on fut ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page xiWHEN Sarah Bernhardt entitled her memoirs Ma Double vie, she proposed an autobiography based upon her suggested dichotomy of ... accident than by intent. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 147par Sarah Bernhardt partie dès l ' aube de l ' année 1922 pour Bruxelles , pour y jouer La Gloire et Daniel , le 11 janvier aux ... A Marseille Sarah eut un accident d ' automobile d ' où elle sortit saine et sauve , mais sa voiture étant mise hors d ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 46From this incident grew Sarah's nickname , which remained with her all her childhood , " Flower - of - theMilk . ... twenty years later , her flat took fire and + she dashed through a barrage of flames to rescue her 46 The Real Sarah Bernhardt. Trouvé à l'intérieur... Sarah Bernhardt, had been in an automobile accident in America, and although she was not badly hurt in the accident she had subsequently been led to a ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1291899 Prend la direction du Théâtre des Nations , rebaptisé Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt . 1900 Création de L'Aiglon , d'Edmond Rostand . 1905 Accident au genou . Esther , de Racine , à l'École de Saint - Cyr ; rôle d'Assuérus . 1915 Amputation ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 176Cheiro took an impression of Sarah Bernhardt's right hand and his remarks about ... seventy ) an accident led to the amputation of one of Sarah Bernhardt's ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 259Sarah Bernhardt écoute , attentive et émue par l'élan enfantin et la sincérité de cet auteur qu'elle admire ; elle découvre ... Du quai nous avons monté à Passy , moi le soutenant sous le bras , lui marchant fermement , comme un accident ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 57When Sarah Bernhardt was injured in a motor accident and had to have her leg amputated , ' her career seemed ended , but supported by unconquerable resolve ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 52The Divine Sarah: A Life of Sarah Bernhardt, by Arthur Gold and Robert ... star of a gala whom Bernhardt told that her lover had met with an accident so she ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 91Because Marie Colombier had been detained by a train accident on a shopping spree ... Colombier writes that when she finally arrived , Bernhardt was furious ... That Book ... that perverse Book -- Eleanora DusaFirst published in Italian in 1900, The Flame is one of the most sensational works of the fin-de-siecle and is justifiably notorious due to its being a thinly-veiled account of the author's ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 220What sort of accident , incidentally ? ' “ I don ' t know yet . I ' m on my way there . ' ' Now , ' said the old man , ' an accident is only publicity for an artiste . They say that Sarah Bernhardt earned twice as much after having her leg cut off . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 71Bernard Stiegler, Elie During ... que je ne doute d'avoir accès à la pensée même de Platon lorsque je lis un livre signé de lui , si j'écoute un enregistrement de la voix de Sarah Bernhardt , l'émotion tient à ce que j'ai la certitude d'entendre non ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 78Après un voyage interminable et de multiples péripéties dont un accident de chemin de fer fut le moindre incident Sarah , huit jours après son départ de Paris , embrassait son fils et repartait avec lui et toute la famille pour Paris . Le règne de la ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 111She assumed that it was an accident and the director had decided to make the best of it by incorporating it into the role, just as they had when the actor ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 203The fact that the name of Goldbacher's protagonist is reminiscent of Sarah Bernhardt's original first name, Rosine, is certainly no accident in this context ... This delightful book collects in their entirety, for the first time, all of the extant satirical columns and woodcut illustrations published in the Daily City Item -- 181 columns in all. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 213It took place between his two principals : Simone , played by Sarah Bernhardt , and her husband , d ' Aubenas . The latter , owing to an erroneous report , believed that his wife had been killed in a railway accident the day before . On seeing ...