Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 61Among pottery values are pieces like primitive plate (background, right), ... CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 61 France for the shopper is highest-priced country in ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 22651Like the ill - fated Leichhardt , most contradictory stories were in circulation as to his ultimate end , and tales of his having visited ... sausage cases , cocoa , coffee , picture frames , rubber , carbon , blacking , chairs , shoes , canned beef , canned soups , water meters ... Photographs on Fruit in France - Old Vienna Porcelain Figures -- Shoemakers ' Exhibition in HamburgProposed Hungarian Export Union ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 132The woman showed me around a textiles workshop with looms and a pottery ... face brown and weathered by the sun, and her black eyes snapped like castanets. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 61De France et des Voyageurs ( Travellers ) ; pacotille ( shoes for exportation ) , pottery , salt , re De la Paix ; fined sugar , & c . ... and the best haven in this part of France , lying them are like those at Dinan , having the first in the throat of a difficult ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 43These spoiled French nobility had to learn to make plain, warm clothing and blankets, pottery, homes, needles, shoes, and all sorts of practical things. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1245Even shoes , or upon goods brought from Holland ' into slippers , may afford a theine . ” This was de France ; but the war which broke out in 1672 nied ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 124French silk hose , English sport hose , laces and embroideries , Italian pottery , French dolls , babies ' dresses , shoes ... costumes , ladies ' hats , knitted frocks , negligees , blouses , sweaters , pillows , and almost everything the ladies like . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 105says MADE IN FRANCE, like French pottery or a French sweater. ... Lo and behold, when she got to the studio, they were havin' a shoe sale in the warehouse ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 805There is so much amateurish leatherquite cameo - like in quality , is also well worth notice . work about in England at the ... firms is shown at the Franco - British Exhibition comes as have for the most part , like their French con frères somewhat of ... the Worcester shown both in the Pavilion André Délieux and Works and the Pilkington Tile and Pottery Co. the Fine Art ... green predominate , relieved with just noted the dainty little sandal shoes in cut and touches of Rhodian red in places . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 150Germany allows an exporter of oats to import a like quantity of wheat free of duty , which this newspaper states is equal to a large ... France allows a rebate of 60 per cent . of the duty on imported wheat from which the flour is made , while the importer is ... in manufactures of cotton , more than $ 6,000,000 ; in pottery nearly $ 1,000,000 ; in lemons , over $ 200,000 ; in fruits and nuts ... It is predicted by Eastern shoe dealers that four dollar shoes will soon go up to five , on account of free ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 102We'll buy them a nice gift at the Pottery Barn.” “I believe it's Crate & Barrel ... Nobody does push-up cups like the French. Makes the titties look firm ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 20WITH WHICH ARE CONSOLIDATED GLASS AND POTTERY WORLD , Founded 1893 . ... 126-128 FİFTH AVENUE , NEW YORK made concessions in order to get busiMore or less similar conditions prevailed in the glass field . ... Dollars for Doughnuts ” Everybody who knows what the Salvation Army did for our soldiers in France , and that means ... In 1910 Gardiner started in business with a bankrupt , incongruous stock of dried fish , clothing and shoes , for which he paid $ 400 . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 74314 Footwear ** MEXICO - Mexican shoe manufacturer wishes to sell shoes ... 326 Pottery , Related Products FRANCE Decorated earthenware and faience articles ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 124The French photographical of jewellery , by Froment and Meurice ; a collection of articles in zinc , by exhibition is close to the above , and ... examples of lithography and colour - printing , Amongst the latter There is a good collectiou of cloths , gloves , shoes , and such like . ... by Marchini and Dufailly . pottery ware are - bricks , tiles , pipes , amongst which are several kinds of Proceeding onwards , we see ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 233That is a avare ; compacte ; étouffant , réserve ; sournois ; lal'action de rogner , f .; ( in Pottery ) écaillage , m . ... ( a sort of half - shoes une allée étroite . room , chambre étouffante . sailles , f . pl . of brass , cortailles , f . pl . worn in bad weather ) , socques f . pl ... Sile , lime d'horloger , f : goes like pelatter a coups motte . . ver . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 5CERAMIC Monthly Published monthly by THE CERAMIC Monthly PUBLISHING COMPANY , at 85 Dearborn St. , Chicago ... Like Trilby , the present popularity of Delft has little in common with the exquisite things of life , and yet it has become a ... The dear old ceramists who wore wooden shoes and mixed colors and clays at the beginning of the fourteenth century ... in France during the latter part of the seventeenth century , when a symptom of decay manifested itself in Holland Delft . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 71666,500,000 sold in France upon very reasonable terms , while in Porcelain , pottery , etc . ... Industry of all Nations , by eminent chemists to extract from beet - root the similar to that which took place in London in 1851 , sugar which it contained . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 106These are from Germany , France , and Sweden — two have the Rorstrand label . They range from seventeenth century examples to one made to order in 1905 . The tile stove originated in Germany about four or five centuries ago , at a time ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 45SWITZERLAND - Cleaning , polishing , similar preparations for automobiles ... 314 Footwear , except rubber TANZANIA - Shoes , sandals , slippers , all types ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 188Nor did its railways seize up like the Russian ones, and as the German, American, ... to cut supplies to industries such as textiles, shoes, and pottery, ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 805There is so much amateurish leatherquite cameo - like in quality , is also well worth notice . work about in England at the ... and tile making firms is shown at the Franco - British Exhibition comes as have for the most part , like their French confrères ... shown both in the Pavilion André Délieux and in Works and the Pilkington Tile and Pottery Co. the Fine Art Section . ... green predominate , relieved with just noted the dainty little sandal shoes in cut and touches of Rhodian red in places . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 15row and pointed shoes I would not be here in Boston propagating a re seemed out of place and I gave them all to my valet and adopted ... a cross between the Mexican and a type I found in and pressed out wine , built my house and made my household an old French museum . It is a single sole with an extension on all utensils , pottery and clothing . ... It is well During this conversation Menelkas in his boyish enthusiasm ran for a journal like yours to be interested in normal foot action ... Trouvé à l'intérieur... both figures stiff and upright, the Child more like a dwarf than an infant. ... bits: Roman shoes, baskets, bits of dried fruit, glass and pottery, ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 14POTTERY MACHINERY . ... House in the British West Indies , bearing a good reputation , would like to act as manufacturers ' agent for makers of dry goods ... in the Spanish language on shoe creams , small household apparatus and machinery , novelties for sale to Boy Scouts , like ... Large Belgian firm solicits offers in the French language on all kinds of building material in which they deal , and would ... Trouvé à l'intérieurThe New Penguin History of France Colin Jones ... shoes, pottery, cutlery, tools, soap and the like – from a middling and even lower middling sort ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 260Although many images in painting, pottery, and sculpture portray shoemaking in Antiquity, the etymology of the French word cordonnier (shoemaker) only dates ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 209Not far from Rouen , France , a wooden bucket , mounted with an iron handle and hoops , was found , and inside it were three ... Many articles in bronze and iron accompanied it , and all were covered with a thick bed of rubbish , consisting chiefly of tiles and Roman pottery . ... The width of their surface is irregular , but in no instance have I observed it to be anything like that noted in shoes of the middle ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 65Some people moved to towns to make things like clothes and shoes to sell . ... like France and Germany , came to England to sell things like pottery and ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 272The dress code at this casino isn't too strict or formal — but no tennis shoes allowed . ... and jellies ; or you may want to stop by Folklore , 7 rue de Geole ( 02-31-86-34-13 ) , where you can find many regional items , like pottery , ciders , faïence ...