Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 27Others , fearing that the cultivation of tobacco might adversely affect such crops as rice or wheat and thus reduce the national wealth , called ... Thus , different varieties of tobacco corresponded to the various preferences of the populace . ... policy of national isolation and concluded commercial treaties with such countries as America , Britain , Russia and France . Japanese habitual smokers were especially attracted by cigarettes , which were coming into vogue in the West at about that ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 139With Supplementary Reports on Italy and France United States. ... The Semenoff shops are engaged largely in the manufacture of cigarette and cigarette tube ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 14Characteristics of Cigarette Papers By LOUIS SCHWEITZER French Process Cigarette Paper Mills , Inc. The cigarette paper industry weight ... Russian type combustible paper which will cause knowledge the first cigarette papei cigarettes require a 15 gram paper , the cigarette to ... This is not equal , the latter encloses the least jaspeé , Choritto , Canarios , etc. much in vogue in this country but quantity of ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 126Their new Savile Row uniforms, not to mention the “cigarettes, canned goods, ... Vogue employed its own war correspondent and published some of the most ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 19030 A nineteenth-century lithograph that partook of the vogue for Spain in mid-nineteenth-century France provides a summary of Spanish types and shows them ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 627... as the Berlin correspondent of the Economist points out , the task of the conference will be far from easy , owing to the number of systems in vogue . The three principal types of bills of exchange are the Anglo - American , the French , and the German . ... tax and a tax on real estate , for the increase of the tobacco duty , and for the introduction of a tax on cigarette packets and on cut cigarette papers . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 144The early settlers in Virginia produced at first but a single fundamental type of tobacco . ... Thus the tobacco of Maryland , which was originally exported to France by Lord Baltimore because he had freedom as regards his ... Cheap cigars , sold at from 5 cents to 10 cents each at one time , had a great vogue in the States , but the sale of these is diminishing , while the sale of cigarettes is rapidly increasing . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 19France and Italy than in European Ecobasis of a discussion do latest at the indusThis is mainly a product of the nomic Community countries which ... To promote the sale of a cer others which then process the tobacco vogue and a decline in cigarette sales . tain brand ... defend the market position of a certain It also suggests discussions of ways and after a period of moderate increase type or variety of ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 627... as the Berlin correspondent of the Economist points out , the task of the conference will be far from easy , owing to the number of systems in vogue . The three principal types of bills of exchange are the Anglo - American , the French , and the German . ... tax and a tax on real estate , for the increase of the tobacco duty , and for the introduction of a tax on cigarette packets and on cut cigarette papers . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 10A large part of the Burley tobacco is consumed in the United States , but a considerable ... when the price is not too high , exports are made to France . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 190He asserted that his compassion for these types was in defiance of “judges ... that partook of the vogue for Spain in mid-nineteenth-century France provides ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 716Different types of tobacco for a blend are assembled and shredded by powerful cutters slicing through the leaf , which is ... The entered France early in the 19th century , they largest cigarette - producing countries , in de were wrapped in paper ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 235All three brands are calculated to appeal to the growing women's sector of the cigarette market . ... France Vogue Greece Domino Seventeen Ireland / Company United Cosmopolitan Kingdom Elle Just Seventeen Marie Claire Smash Hits ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 88French perfumes , famous since the days of Louis XIV . , gain added charm from their containers ; $ 6.50 . Of yet more decorative type are the coloured cut glass flacons . ... Muraour was persuasions relative to a certain apple , established as the most famous perif she had not previously intrigued him fumer of his age . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 105From has obtained in Asia for many centuries , is still in vogue ; but where France we receive nearly £ 2,000 worth . ... Up to the tobacco to a great extent , but expert American tobacco men present time the American machines of this type have ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 221Another important type of imports of silk products from France is the model ... the United States during the vogue for that type of dress a few years ago . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 143Ce genre , dont la vogue a bien diminué , non seulement n'est plus guère apprécié aujourd'hui , mais est même fortement discuté . ... Mais là où les Allemands et les Anglais se sont livrés à une étude approfondie des caractères et des types humains , Boilly , la plupart du temps ... Les Antiquaires , les Amateurs de tableaux , les Mangeurs d'huîtres , les Fumeurs , la Lecture du testament font cependant ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 26BALES & CASES By P. V. Hoyle Cigar Jobbers : Here are two famous Brands of 20 years ' standing Samples and Prices on ... At the end of November of last year , China , the United Kingdom and France there remained in the bonded appear to be our best cigarette customhouses of the ... to the free port system in vogue bacco in the first eleven months of last in certain countries of Europe and also year . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 629With the United States and Italy , cigarettes make up 80 percent of total consumption , while in France and West ... The paper tube tipped type of cigarette has also gone out of vogue , and negligible quantities are manufactured for sale to a ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 46LIVINGSTON LABORATORY , Ltd. , Distillend of Essential Oils , Absolute Fruit Oils , Ethers , Fruit , Liquor & Tobacco Flavors ... higher . after by a Mr. McCrea , who has arrived Export types were irregular , but changed from previous quotations . this month . ... more be in vogue . ... for Bordeaux , France , 477 hhds Maryland and 200 hhds 10,907 71,359 Ohio ; steamer Venango , for Rotterdam , 278 hhds ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 508Souhaitons à la Vogue ... la vogue du Mercure de France , dont le numéro de février est particulièrement intéressant , en ce qu'il nous offre d'abord la ... Il y a un type dans le genre de Jupiter qui tient un bazar sur le pont , et qui est un homme admirable ; il m'a dit des choses excellentes sur l'impôt progressif . ... Il admet toutefois une volupté nouvelle , celle que procure l'usage immodéré de la cigarette ! Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 10A large part of the Burley tobacco is consumed in the United States , but a considerable ... when the price is not too high , exports are made to France . There are other possible reasons, but we will leave them to emerge in their appropriate chapters in this book. One of the fascinations of snuff-taking lies in the numerous different snuffs available to the snuff-taker. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 162Brands as a Factor of Progress M. Chevalier, G. Mazzalovo ... very often related to taste – dark-tobacco cigarettes, for example (Gauloises in France, ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 10A large part of the Burley tobacco is consumed in the United States , but a considerable ... when the price is not too high , exports are made to France . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 10A large part of the Burley tobacco is consumed in the United States , but a considerable ... when the price is not too high , exports are made to France . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 15Vogue Italiana ( manufacturer ) , 31 Via ( manufacturer's selling agent , wholeSassetti , Milan , wishes to export direct The type of shoe desired is ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 31As the advertisements say , no cigarette names are mentioned ; no particular brand is adverThe Shortest Route From ... The object of the trip is to arrange for the publication of French edition of Vogue , which will circulate in Russia , Italy ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 144The early settlers in Virginia produced at first but a single fundamental type of tobacco . ... Thus the tobacco of Maryland , which was originally exported to France by Lord Baltimore because he had freedom as regards ... Cheap cigars , sold at from 5 cents to 10 cents each at one time , had a great vogue in the States , but the sale of these is diminishing , while the sale of cigarettes is rapidly increasing The ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 270obtient ainsi les cigarettes dites autrefois ambrées et qui ont connu une grande vogue . ... Le nom de la cigarette , emprunté au français par l'anglais et l'allemand , dénote le rôle de la France dans l'adoption de cette coutume nouvelle . ... La découverte d'un nouveau type de tabac blond , le « Virginie bright » spécialement apte à être consommé sous la forme nouvelle , et qui fut récolté pour la première ...