fidel castro justin trudeau

"Fidel Castro era un líder destacado que sirvió a su gente por más de medio siglo. Third, and most damning of all, is Justin Trudeau's obvious contempt for everything that makes Canada great: democracy, capitalism, and white men. Fidel Castro had around 11 children but the Canadian prime minister was not one of them. T he Lugenpresse and usual suspects have spent a lot of effort debunking a theory that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s is the bastard son of Communist revolutionary and former Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro (1926-2016), and not the son of former Canadian Prime Minister Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau (1919-2000).. She had an affair with US Senator Ted Kennedy and the Trudeaus' marriage ultimately ended amid rumours she was having an affair with Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones. El medio BuzzFeed refutó la idea, dado que Trudeau nació en 1971, mientras que Castro se reunió con sus padres por primera vez solo cinco años después. I guess you actually can't believe everything that semi-professional agitators post on the internet. Trudeau, Justin Primer Ministro de Canadá. Después de eso, las conexiones históricas entre Canadá y Cuba salieron a flote, demostrando que el padre de Justin, Peirre Trudeau (que también fue primer ministro) y Fidel Castro fueron cercanos durante los años setenta, década en la que el pequeño Trudeau llegó a este mundo. Following the death of Castro, Trudeau… As yet, there's no smoking gun proving that Justin Trudeau is the illegitimate lovechild of North America's most successful Communist. By signing up to the VICE newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications from VICE that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. READ: On Castro’s death, a look at Fidel and Pierre—and Justin I thought of Alexandre Trudeau’s fawning 2006 tribute recently given it was 10 years ago this month that Fidel Castro resigned. Pierre Trudeau was cuckolded by Fidel Castro on one of his many trips to Cuba with his wife Margaret, and Justin is one of Castro's many bastards. El enorme parecido del político canadiense Justin Trudeau y el expresidente cubano Fidel Castro se convirtió en tema de discusión poco tiempo después de que Trudeau asumiera el cargo como primer ministro de Canadá y a parte expresara su admiración sobre él tiempo después de su deceso, las redes sociales fueron el escenario perfecto para todo tipo de comentario. Entre las fotos, destaca una donde Fidel sostiene en brazos al hermano de Trudeau, junto a Margaret Trudeau, madre del primer ministro. Secret and unauthorized DNA testing has proven that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not the son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, but is instead the illegitimate son of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Because it's 2016, some right-wing internet sleuths have furnished a second explanation as to why Justin would gush with admiration for Fidel: because El Jefe is his real dad. Theory: Rumor has it that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not the son of former PM Pierre Trudeau, but is instead the illegitimate son of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro instead. Clearly, the only things Justin knows about the world he learned from his beatnik father Pierre. While they were married, she travelled with Pierre several times to Cuba. Why else would his government promise to reform the electoral system only to back away from it citing their own popularity? No es cierta la historia que asegura que Fidel Castro fue el padre del primer ministro canadiense, Justin Trudeau, ha dicho el Gobierno del país norteamericano respondiendo a un extendido rumor que resurgió tras el suicidio de Fidel Castro Díaz-Balart, primogénito del dictador cubano. But what if there's more? "Fidel Castro era un líder destacado que sirvió a su gente por más de medio siglo. Trudeau won’t comment on the rumors but holy shit, Batman, there are incredible physical similarities between Trudeau and Castro. Justin was born December 25, 1971, nine months after Pierre and Margaret's honeymoon in British Columbia and long before the couple travelled to Cuba. Video comparison. Margaret Trudeau and Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba, nine months before Justin was born. Obviously, it's because the genes of a Communist superman flow through his veins. "Sus partidarios y sus detractores reconocían su inmenso amor y entrega para el pueblo cubano, que sentía un afecto profundo y duradero para ‘El Comandante’". Justin Trudeau is the love child of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Margaret Trudeau who was rumored to have had an affair with Castro in the late 60s, early 70’s. First: Pierre and Margaret had a famously rocky marriage. Justin Trudeau is a Canadian politician who has served as the 23rd prime minister of Canada since 2015. Pierre Trudeau (left), Justin Trudeau (centre), and Fidel Castro (right) The suicide note left by Fidel Castro’s eldest son has rocked the Cuban nation this week, with the most astonishing revelation being the claim that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was his … The chief architect of Cuckada is himself the product of a cucking. Behold: Our prime minister and his alleged actual dad, Comrade Fidel Castro. Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s Son. Back in 2016 a rumour surfaced stating that Justin Trudeau is Castro's son after the Prime Minister commented positively about Castro after he died. Editorial note: This story has been updated from an earlier version. Why else would his government use $15 billion of public funding to subsidize "revenue-generating" infrastructure projects while privatizing public facilities like seaports? While Castro is admired by many around the world for his ideological commitments to socio-economic equality and anti-imperialism, he is in equal parts reviled for Cuba's dismal human rights record and political repression. According to Canadian newspaper The Globe And Mail, Pierre Trudeau and his wife Margaret travelled to Havana and became close friends with the Cuban president. Al respecto, el político australiano, Peter Wallace, publicó en redes sociales una imagen en la que muestra el gran parecido entre Trudeau y Castro. “Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. “Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. And when Castro died, Justin Trudeau was the only leader of the Western World to give him an overwhelmingly positive eulogy without addressing his misdeeds. Embed License Share. A story claiming that Fidel Castro was the father of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not true. Instead, proponents—like The Rebel's Ezra Levant—have trotted out three big pieces of circumstantial evidence. Pierre Trudeau was cuckolded by Fidel Castro on one of his many trips to Cuba with his wife Margaret, and Justin is one of Castro's many bastards. Right, Justin Trudeau models his Movember moustache. Welcome to Conspiracy Theory News. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's tribute complimenting Fidel Castro as "remarkable" and a "larger than life leader who served his people" drew criticism. Fidel Castro murió el 25 de noviembre a … Under the Caribbean sun, both were evidently charmed by Fidel, as recounted in John English's Just Watch Me: The Life of Pierre Elliot Trudeau: 1968-2000: So, based on the above information, we can make the following deduction: Fidel Castro definitely fucked Pierre Trudeau's wife, because come on. He was born on 25 December 1971 and grew up with the profound influence of his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and his mother, Margaret Trudeau. Critics were quick to point out that this is irrefutable proof that the prime minister is completely vapid on major issues like international human rights or foreign policy. Second: Fidel Castro and Justin Trudeau basically look the same. On the left, Fidel Castro during a 1955 visit to New York City. 1 rumble. Justin Trudeau’s statement yesterday was especially over the top when describing a dictator who committed genocide against his own people, almost as if he was describing a father figure: “It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President. The Justin Trudeau Fidel Castro rumour has long persisted the election cycle and is something people continue to talk about despite there being no actual proof of it. (Pay no attention to the tributes to the late Saudi King Abdullah behind the curtain). Subscribe Share. Un revolucionario y un orador legendario, el señor Castro hizo cambios significativos a la educación y la salud de su nación insular". The same luscious locks... the same steely determination to destroy capitalism... damn... Castro is an old family friend of the Trudeaus, Pierre Trudeau was cuckolded by Fidel Castro on one of his many trips to Cuba with his wife Margaret, and Justin is one of Castro's many bastards, She had an affair with US Senator Ted Kennedy, $15 billion of public funding to subsidize "revenue-generating" infrastructure projects while privatizing public facilities like seaports. Justin Trudeau could be Fidel Castro's son. Although Castro is an old family friend of the Trudeaus, it's certainly weird for the leader of a US-aligned liberal democracy like Canada to heap warm praise on the Commandante without also acknowledging the brutality that accompanied his revolutionary regime. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, has been mocked and criticised over his praise of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro.. Ante las críticas por su mensaje respecto a la muerte de Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau reiteró este domingo que Fidel Castro «tuvo un impacto profundo y duradero sobre el pueblo cubano». Somebody call Maury and tell him it's a national emergency. Los periodistas también rechazaron la afirmación de que Castro había tenido en brazos a Justin Trudeau. Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s Son. This photo of Fidel Castro holding a baby went viral back in 2015, when Justin Trudeau was first elected the Prime Minister of Canada. Rumble — Justin Trudeau could be Fidel Castro's son. She remembers Castro during that visit as a “very warm and charming man — I enjoyed him.”-Margaret Trudeau on Fidel Castro. Sign in and be the first to comment I’ll admit it…I believe it. It's captured people's attention. The theory is straightforward enough. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau drew worldwide criticism last weekend for his fawning praise of revolutionary strongman Fidel Castro after the former Cuban leader died Friday night. Why else would this quote-unquote feminist flood the Great White North with dangerously un-Canadian Syrian refugees? Apparently, Margaret Trudeau visited Cuba about nine months before Justin was born, had a tryst with Castro, and went back to Canada to give birth to Justin. A BIZARRE theory has emerged online claiming that the Canadian Prime Minister is actually Fidel Castro’s son. Oh, wait. ArianJacobsfc Published November 15, 2020 95 Views. The right-wing circlejerk has come full circle. Para suscribirse al servicio de envío por correo electrónico del boletín informativo, escriba la dirección en el recuadro que aparece a continuación, Desarrollado por Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI), La Habana, Cuba. Dang. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro: “It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President. Justin Trudeau has received widespread criticism for praising the Cuban dictator … Pierre Trudeau, the former Prime Minister of Canada, made many visits to Cuba while the Prime Minister of Canada with his wife and mother of current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Today's top headline.
fidel castro justin trudeau 2021