pendentif islam haram

You forgot to include drawing pictures of people and animals being haram. (And I’m not Christian by the way). People plz read the intro of this post, before commenting , it will save time. En islam, la musique n'est pas haram. – Our religions came in order & Islam is the conclusion – this means read all the books to see how the Quran “fits” the pic in line with our shared prophets There’s some islamic saying where you Artists are asked to give their creation’s life. Also, I chuckled when you said, “Sweetheart, you don’t even follow Islam, so why is this relevant to you? I trust no Muslim websites with my dreams of heaven! spiking your hair (maybe because it looks gay)and Ok is it harem to uncover your hair when you are twelve years old? Thank you for your comment, Zainab. - Novels Set in Afghanistan This weight of community pressure is so limiting, no wonder Muslim societies are so repressive. This seems like a bullshit website, I’m sure God would prefer we are with our parents while they are on their deathbed rather than obeying our husband’s ridiculous orders. So lets glorify The one God. Im out. None of these things are haraam, don’t worry. There was one gorgeous looking girl who went to some local molvi and told him that she got fall in love. Cursing Please dont trash me i just want to glorify God, and i never comment on anything, prettysure thats why i commented. Boko Haram, Islamic sectarian movement founded in 2002 in northeastern Nigeria. Why is Wearing red, yellow, blue, and other “bright” colors are haram? Alhamdulillah! LOL. Parmi ces symboles utilisés, l'un des plus courants est certainement la main de fatma. I find it hilarious and amusing that in the comments, some people don’t get the point of this list at all and are taking certain things off the list to explain to me WHY they are haraam. Where is your list of “Sinful Things” in Christianity or Judaism? In your comment you suggested that this was not your intention, what a load of crap! In the Quran, the word halal is contrasted with haram (forbidden). Alcohol is haraam for us, i believe so because i follow the Quran and not what people have invented, also i eat meat that is slaughtered the islamic way not because i have to but because it actually is slaughtered in a healthier way and clears the meat of all impurites(or so i believe) i have at times consumed non halal food by mistake. Worship as you deem best . Should I believe them or not? Not trimming your beard Why is talking to a girl haram.! Being Ahmadi (according to the non-Ahmadis) and like seriously i would absolutely sue the writer of the blog for writing such nonsense on a blog without really knowing whats actually halal or haram. I don’t even know if I’m a Muslim anymore because I still will do everything I did before. I bet you dont even follow islam properly, wears the hijab? Ne manquez pas de découvrir toute l’étendue de notre offre à prix cassé. This binary opposition was elaborated into a more complex classification known as "the five decisions": mandatory, recommended, neutral, reprehensible and forbidden. I am JUST Pashtun, forget Islam, Christanity, or anything, you got that! Also 1:3 most gracious, most merciful, notice what he did there? Dear Narie, Porter un bijou dans le but de se protèger contre "le mal" est haram,ce genre de pratiques n'ont aucun fondement dans le Coran ou la Sunna. Few of the things listed as haram are actually considered to be disgusting or forbidden for the sake of peace and restraining people from the things that may further lead to serious harms…Islam iinfact conduct of life….humanity is the chaper of islam. How about you read the Qur’an once more and fix this list. © 2021 The Islamic Information - All Rights Reserved - Duplication Not Allowed, This website uses cookies. I’m SO glad to have you around to remind us that women are men’s servants and wives are required to be grateful to their husbands! Tribalism So don’t trust any of it. Most of the things in your list are really haraam and others are ridiculously made-up. If a chess game is played without gambling, then it is acceptable. I do not apologize for offending anyone with this. HAJJ is the best example of this (ive been) Because not visiting your parents while there on their deathbed without your husband permission is pretty insane???? It goes to show sometimes we need to focus on the IMPORTANT things in Islam. Why are you replying to me, isn’t it haram to “talk too much”!?!? By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. The list is making fun of some Muslims’ obsession with MAKING everything haraam. It is very funny for sure……pls be careful dear. – Theres lots of books written or them idiot mullahs, scholars on TV thinking the know the religion they dont! Making your own decisions (when men obviously know better than you what’s good for you) Au nom d’Allah, le Clément, le Miséricordieux. Its opposite is haram (forbidden, unlawful or illegal). Having abortion Paki Pashtun: “I am muslim first, and Pakistani second. Pengertian Haram dalam Islam – Secara etimologis, Haram diambil dari al-hurmah, yang berarti sesuatu yang tidak boleh dilanggar. ” …… Wearing a see-through hijab I swear this is like I can’t do anything but eat pray and sleep! Whatever it is for boys, it is for girls. We are all people of God & to him we submit. La colonne est un support cylindrique. Um, no, thanks. Can you believe the stupidity?! Pire, bien pire si cela est gravé avec une croix ou l'est avec la forme d'une croix. Bague sur mesure Pendentif sur mesure Recyclez l'or de vos vieux bijoux. I agree with some because some say it in the Qur’an but the majority of this list is just funny. Wearing pants and shirts (because, DUH, these are male clothing) – having sexual desires (gasp how could they?!) I hope it’s understood clearly that this above list is actually not necessarily from “Islam” – though that depends on how you define “Islam” … but still). . Be practical you know what you can & cant do! Ameen! Wearing a tie My teacher once said ” If you want to but the price of this life and sell the price of the second life, do what you want but dont regret it later.” It’s like your selling sheep for one bag of wheat you need to use for a party , yes you can make bread at the party but one everyone has eaten you’ll realise it’s a one time thing. Allah describes his believing servants as “those who restrain their anger and are pardoning towards people.” He then says: “Indeed, Allah loves those who do good.” [Sūrah Āl `Imrān: 134] i dont think most of them are haram wrong list…. Visiting your parents when your husband won’t let you–even if they are on their deathbeds Feel free to add more things. You just humiliated yourself. They r many different levels in prohibitions.. U brought everything under same category.. Now don’t declare any Fatwa about me BUT if you are NOT following Islam according to Quran & Hadees don’t teach and spread false stories. La main de Fatma est sans doute l’un des symboles les plus appréciés au monde. chess isn’t haram, in fact the reason the west came to know of the game was through trading with the Muslim Ottoman empire in which the origin of the game was widely popular. This article is so funny I don’t want to reply all your claims here but according to islam playing chess and eating sea foods are not haram prohibited, Depends on what you mean by “Islam” because, The real Jews, Christians and Hindus all follow the book sent by Allah, so it’s not prohibited to be any of those religious. D'un côté il signifie l'interdiction (harām). “Lol good luck to them anning that on us Islamically.” Sweetheart, you don’t even follow Islam, so why is this list even relevant to you?You should be ashamed of putting religions on the spot in a negative light. Also, this isn’t poking fun at Islam; it’s poking fun at certain Muslims’ certain habit and obsession to declare everything haraam, especially the things we love most. For some reason that one shocked me the most! Don’t mock all Haram things just because you don’t know they really are haraam. Masturbating Wearing the clothes of the “opposite” gender Wearing perfume do you seriously want me to smell like shit? I want a full response. This is bullshit. Did you not read the post? Parmi ces symboles utilisés, l'un des plus courants est certainement la main de fatma. we as layman although cannot for the most part derive rulings, one needs to have a firm understanding of islamic studies to do so, i encourage you to study more about the deen…. Wearing nail polish Using more water than is necessary for wudu’ or ghusl, 2. Not being well-groomed. Laughing (I do not know were you got that from ) is permitted Just pray and show that you WILL change NO one enforced you to follow Ulama (Mullah according to you) Everything is mentioned in Qurban/Hadees follow them. My son plays chess at school and the madressa teacher felt he needed punishment, needless to say the kid refused to go back ! None of these things are actually haraam. Respectez les gestes barrières et la distanciation sociale. actually, that’s an ambigious subject, ever since i was young, i used to draw pictures of random thigns but when it came to people and animals, it would feel uneasy because there’s a stigma in islamic society about making artwork of living things…. So I was like ok, I’ll move it then she goes “Well the Qibla is in that direction sooooo”. This is kind of offensive to Muslims too. Oh, yes, how could I have forgotten “laughing too much”? And as I am Alhamdulilah a Muslim I know that some of these rules are faked and overexaggerated so you can’t trust what you read these days you know! Ḥaram, in Islam, a sacred place or territory. I seek forgiveness of my sins from Allah who is my Lord and I turn towards Him. As I am one to really look into the true rules of Islam… many parts of this list ain’t true. Islamic architecture is a framework for the implementation of Islam. Thanks…. Internet, I’m not so sure since … lol good luck to them for banning that on us Islamically. Allah will be disappointed for you discouraging others with this list. The 70 Major Sins forbidden in Islam. Sadly, lots of Muslims think pants and shirts are only for men. Don’t ever allow yourself to waste my time like this again, k? LOL especially @ how Pashtuns give the most respect to their women compared to all other nations/cultures. But this isn’t the majority opinion, so if you want the majority opinion, I’m the wrong person to ask. Not complain about the knowlege he provides us if we desire his favor. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Im both muslim and Christian, i read this for the humor, funnest thing was the spartan guy with ” everything is haram” lol. MAKE SURE YOU STATE AT THE VERY BEGINNING THAT THIS NOT TRUE! They end up forgetting completely the basis of Islam and end up wasting their time finding other peoples faults in how those people are doing something haram or not, Oh may Allah forgive you for your mockery oh may he save you from evil Satan. Aktivitas yang berstatus hukum haram atau makanan yang dianggap haram adalah dilarang secara keras. like you don’t gotta not wear cologne and wear it at the same time.. and if you think you do, I honestly wish some SERIOUS good luck. Ouvrez les portes du plus beau magasin du Web ! –Iqra. Electrical shaving Saying the word “khanzeer” (pig) [your prayers won’t be accepted for 40 days afterwards] Sadly, no one back then (Muslim or otherwise) believed that marital rape was even a thing, so we’re going to have a terrible luck trying to find a Muslim scholar or school that did hold this thinking. Wearing jeans. Wearing cologne Initiating a divorce for “small” reasons Watching TV (unless it’s some educational and Islamic program) Reciting the Qur’an beautifully and melodiously (because men might get attracted to her voice), Categories: being human, forbidden things, funny, gender, Islam, Just stop, Religion, society, your face is haraam, Tags: everything is haraam, haraam, Islam, Muslims, But playing chess?????? That Islamweb website is total trash. the Qur'an does not prohibit women's marriage to people of the book - and other facts about interfaith marriage in Islam, What Everyone Needs to Know about the Hijab/Veil in Islam | What the Patriarchy?! This is amazing Masha’Allah heck, we/they can practically steal from our “spouses” if they aren’t giving us the money we/they need for our/they’re kids. To be more specific, haram means any sinful act that Allah mentions in the Quran and prohibits us from doing. Great blog. I am now JUST Pashtun and i will not say Aslam walikum because it’s an Arabic term. I am sorry to burst your bubble here but what is halal and haraam is derived from the Quran and the Sunnah( including those sources which are derived from them such the Ijmaa’ etc) NOT your desires, nor mine nor any other human beings. Thank you for your response. – Its an easy religion but polluted by the people who have an Arabic or Asian sounding name claiming to be Muslim because they were born into a “muslim household” when actually they haven’t a clue because theyve been brainwashed either by US/UK troops raising fragile pps into thinking & doing wrong aka terrorism or by the rooted culture (kufr period aka pagans) En effet, utiliser la main de fatma en guise de symbole protecteur serait contraire à un des piliers fondamentaux de l'islam mais vous pouvez toutefois utiliser ce symbole simplement dans un but décoratif. ” For many reasons: 1) you don’t know ANYTHING about how or if I practice Islam, so your accusation right there wouldn’t be going well with God–but I forgive you; you probably thought you were doing God and Islam a favor by attacking the level of faith of a random blogger you don’t know anything about as a human. I guess you haven’t read the Quran properly… The Reality of Halloween In Islam – Halloween Haram in Islam ? “Inna allaha wa inna ilaihirrajioon, allaumma ajjarni fi musibati wa akhrijna li khairan minha.” Ramadhan Mubarak, Halima! But as you said, this just for “fun” so you may do as you wish, I would just recommend not making this at all for the benefit of others who may be misguided by it. Je ne sais pas c'est quoi l'oeil bleu mais la superstition ou le fait de donner des pouvoirs à un objet et même le porter c'est du chirk. Because they are made of some ingredients which are haraam. A wise lady among them said: Why is it, Messenger of Allah, that our folk is in bulk in Hell? Ramadan Mubarak to All! Wearing deep v-necks The principal ḥaram s are in Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and, for the Shiʿah, Karbalāʾ (Iraq). En. I’m giggling at this. I’m disappointed in all the Muslims on this website say why is this haram its harm because Allah said it is haram okay some of this is not true but some is and all you Muslims watch what your saying about your religion, I do not appreciate these memes on this website it is ridiculous I am just saying once again this is comming from a 12 year old. Talking to much Is eating some candy like jolly rancher haraam? I shouldnt have said the word “bet” i know your probably gonna say “betting is haram as well” just to let you know i dont bet and it was just a saying, Let me tell everyone something about this post… its a joke, the guy says it in his intro like 3 times. if any question or Masails can even mail me to ” “.. There’s no joke on Islam here, and actually, the joke is on you. Because this led to great conversations on the old blog!
pendentif islam haram 2021