Of these, more than 1,200 were confirmed by the nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) antigen test and/or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Local media reports which quote public health statistics show that since the start of the dengue epidemic in the last December, dengue fever has caused 28,000 cases and 12 deaths. In 2020, France and Italy have reported autochthonous dengue cases. Washington, D.C., 2017. Forty-three percent (n = 2,540) of the total number of cases were reported since the beginning of January 2020 (Figure 2). Dengue is present in Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Dengue auf Martinique. This should include both larval and adult vector control strategies (i.e. Du 5 au 6 décembre 2020 Grand'Rivière (France, Martinique) www.clubmanikou.com Découvrez la Martinique du Nord au Sud, entre Grand'Rivière et Saint-Anne. In French Guinea, 487 confirmed dengue case have been recorded since January 2019, Guadeloupe has had 5,840 cases since October 2019, Martinique has logged 2,470 suspected and 575 confirmed cases since July 2019, and Saint-Martin has had 530 suspected cases, including one severe and fatal case, since Jan 12, 2020. Aedes mosquitoes, the competent vectors, have greater activity during the day. [/outbreak] Description. Figure 1. The most affected parts of the island are in the South and Central of Martiniqu… World; Dengue epidemic in Martinique: 28,000 cases and already 12 deaths. CONCOURS PHOTO - MA PLUS BELLE DÉCO DE NOËL 2020 ! 0 environmental management and source reduction and chemical control measures). Die Zika-Fallzahlen sind auf 36.680 Verdachtsfälle angestiegen. The 2019–2020 dengue fever epidemic was an epidemic of the infectious disease dengue fever in several countries of Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Singapore, and Laos. Last updated: November 17, 2020. Landesweit wurden im vergangenen Jahr 157.315 Erkrankungen und 166 Todesfälle verzeichnet. From 14 October 2019 through 16 February 2020, a total of 5,840 cases of dengue, with no severe cases or deaths, was reported. Forty percent of the world’s population, about 3 billion people, live in areas with a risk of dengue. Latest situation reports. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003235. 2017. Die Ausbreitung der Viren ist eng gekoppelt an die der Moskitos. Dengue Guidelines for Patient Care in the Region of the Americas. 21 November 2018, Washington, D.C.: PAHO/WHO; 2018, Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization. DENV-1 was identified during the 2009/2010 outbreak. Sie legen i… Given this, personal protection measures are recommended such as the use of clothing that minimizes skin exposure and repellents that can be applied to exposed skin or clothes; the use of repellents must be in strict accordance with the label instructions. Les valeurs restent néanmoins élevées, bien au-dessus des seuils épidémiques et la notification récente de décès liés à la dengue appelle à maintenir la vigilance. L'Azou M, Jean-Marie J, Bessaud M, et al. VIDEO. In light of the increase in dengue cases and severe dengue cases in several countries and territories of the Region of the Americas, especially in 2019, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) encourages Member States to follow key recommendations regarding outbreak preparedness and response, case management, laboratory, and integrated vector management (IVM). Villa Moina, Bellefontaine Picture: Vue de la villa en décembre 2017 - Check out Tripadvisor members' 3 candid photos and videos of Villa Moina October 31, 2020. Landesweit wurden bis Ende September 16.439 Fälle gemeldet, 12 Menschen sind verstorben. Integrated Strategic Plan for the prevention and control of dengue in the Region of the Americas. Shared. garder le contact avec martinique la 1ère, Incidence cumulée des cas cliniquement évocateurs de dengue, Martinique, semaines 2020-46 à 2020-49, Élection à la Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique : Philippe Petit est dans les starting-blocs, La sélection de Martinique entame sa campagne en vue de la Gold Cup, Coralie et Kenji produisent de l’huile de coco, un savoir-faire ancestral en Martinique, La vaccination contre le coronavirus se fait "de façon progressive" en Martinique. Between 2006 and 2010, the predominant circulating serotypes were DENV-2 (2006, 2009) and DENV-1 (2007, 2008 and 2010) with co-circulation of DENV-3 and DENV-4. The online news publication reports that almost all … Une semaine en Martinique pour la course du souvenir (Athlétique Club Saléen). According to Martinique 1Ere, between October 1 and October 25, 2020 nearly 7,500 people have seen a general practitioner for clinical signs suggestive of dengue. Results of laboratory tests indicate that DENV-2 and DENV-3 are the predominant serotypes currently circulating. From 12 January through 16 February 2020, a total of 530 suspected cases of dengue, including one severe and fatal case, was reported. From July 2019 through 16 February 2020, 2,470 suspected cases of dengue and 575 cases confirmed by the NS1 antigen test and/or RT-PCR, including two severe cases and one death, were reported (Figure 3). 2015;92(6):1137-40. The most affected parts of the island are in the South and Central of Martinique. Results of laboratory tests indicate that serotypes DENV-1 and DENV-3 are currently circulating, with predominance of DENV-1. Qui ne veut pas ? 23 June 2020. Écouter Radio Caraibe RCI Martinique en ligne de Martinique. × Selon le dernier point épidémiologique relatif à la situation de la dengue en date du 11 décembre 2020, les indicateurs de surveillance des dernières semaines témoignent d’un ralentissement très significatif de la circulation virale en Martinique. Zwischen November 2019 und September 2020 wurden in Martinique insgesamt 20.520 Dengue-Verdachtsfälle gemeldet - darunter acht schwere Fälle und zehn Todesfälle. Global Fact Sheet. There are rising concerns in Martinique over a rise in cases of dengue fever. Except during 2017 and 2018, dengue cases have been reported every year, with the most recent largest outbreak reported in 2013, resulting in 13,240 suspected cases including 6 deaths. In 2019, laboratory tests identified DENV-2 as the predominant dengue serotype, which is currently circulating and has been reported in all of the affected areas. These recommendations are published in the 21 November 2018 PAHO/WHO Epidemiological Alert on Dengue and the 11 November 2019 PAHO/WHO Epidemiological Update on Dengue . WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme therefore monitors and assesses the spread of dengue on an ongoing basis. Epidemiological Alert: Dengue. Region of the Americas, 1999-2020 (up to EW 5 of 2020). Dengue : nette diminution de la circulation virale en Martinique. Schutz vor tagaktiven Überträgermücken (Aedes-Arten) … aegypti or Ae. Bislang wurden davon 6.500 Fälle bestätigt. The Combat de la Martinique, or Battle of Martinique, was a naval encounter on 18 December 1779 between a British 13-ship squadron under Admiral Hyde Parker and a three-ship French division under Admiral Lamotte-Picquet near the island of Martinique in the West Indies.. A dengue epidemic in several French Caribbean islands has claimed its second victim, officials said Wednesday. Epidemiological Update: Dengue. albopictus) mosquito. These recommendations are published in the, Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-2019), Coronavirus disease outbreak (COVID-19) », 21 November 2018 PAHO/WHO Epidemiological Alert on Dengue, 11 November 2019 PAHO/WHO Epidemiological Update on Dengue. From 19 January through 15 February 2020, confirmed cases were reported in 18 of the 34 communes of the island. Situation reports. 2nd Edition. WHO does not recommend any general travel or trade restrictions be applied based on the information available for this event. On 12 February 2020, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reported an increase in the number of cases of dengue infection in French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Saint-Martin. 1000€ DE BONS D’ACHAT À GAGNER ! Dengue auf Martinique Zwischen November 2019 und dem 29. Anyone who lives in or travels to an area with risk of dengue … * ⏰ Du MARDI 1er au JEUDI 24 DÉCEMBRE 2020, participe à notre jeu concours photos en publiant TA PLUS BELLE PHOTO DE DÉCORATION DE NOËL en COMMENTAIRE de CETTE PUBLICATION. Between EW 1 and EW 5 of 2020, 155,343 dengue cases were reported, including 28 deaths. Dengue outbreaks are occurring in many countries of the world in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific Islands. The spread of the disease was exacerbated by falling vaccination levels in certain areas, and by a growing population of mosquitoes, which are the primary … Between 2005 and 2010, the predominant circulating serotypes were DENV-4 (2005), DENV-2 (2006 and 2007) and DENV-1 (2008 and 2010). Europe No autochthonous cases of dengue were detected so far in continental EU/EEA countries and the UK in 2020. Available. Dengue viruses are spread to people through the bite of an infected Aedes species (Ae. Local media reports quoting public health statistics, indicate that since the start of the dengue epidemic in December last year, 28,000 cases and 12 deaths were recorded. Most of the cases were reported in the following communes: Basse-Terre, Le Gosier, Le Moule, Petit-Canal, Petit-Bourg, Pointe-Noire, and Saint-François and the isle of Marie-Galante (eastern and central part of the main island). 2020-12-27 14:40:12 13 hours ago; Views 4,077; By:sylvain chabre; A + A-0. In 2018, Martinique did not report any confirmed cases. The last outbreak reported in Saint-Barthélemy was from 2013 to 2014 with 970 suspected cases and one death reported. Depuis Les indicateurs de surveillance des dernières semaines témoignent d’un ralentissement très significatif de la circulation virale en Martinique, bien que le nombre hebdomadaire estimé de cas cliniquement évocateurs de dengue dépasse encore les valeurs des seuils épidémiques. Radio en direct gartuite. From December 2019 through 15 February 2020, a total of 100 suspected cases of dengue, including 20 cases confirmed by NS1 antigen test and/or RT-PCR, was reported (Figure 4). Martinique. A shift in the predominant DENV serotype in these territories may result in more severe secondary dengue virus infections and may require comprehensive risk communications. Laurence Farraudière, Fabrice Sonor, Said Crico, et al. 18.500 Dengue-Fälle auf Martinique gemeldet. Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization. Source: ProMED-mail. Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. In January 2020, health authorities in the region declared a dengue epidemic in Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin and indicated that Martinique is also at-risk of an epidemic. The last outbreak reported in Martinique was from 2013 to 2015 with 7,040 suspected cases and no deaths reported. The outbreak was due to DENV-4 which was the predominant circulating serotype; with co-circulation of DENV-2. Washington, D.C., 2016. Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization. Dengue [outbreak] Martinique has reported recent cases of Dengue. The most affected communes were Kourou, on the coastline, with 225 confirmed cases, and Maripasoula, in the south-eastern part of French Guiana with 55 confirmed cases. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Am J Trop Med Hyg. Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization. Covid-19 : des grandes surfaces "ne respectent pas les règles, on va renforcer les contrôles" affirme Gabriel Attal, EN IMAGES. Allein im September 2020 wurden davon 7.790 Dengue-Fälle gemeldet, darunter ein schwerer Fall und sieben Todesfälle. Dengue seroprevalence in the French West Indies: a prospective study in adult blood donors. The outbreak was due to DENV-1 which was the predominant circulating serotype. The most recent largest outbreak reported in Guadeloupe was in 2013, with 12,706 suspected cases including 8 deaths. French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy have been reporting dengue cases throughout 2020; however, an increase was observed towards the end of 2019. Dengue is common in more than 100 countries around the world. From July 2019 through 16 February 2020, 2,470 suspected cases of dengue and 575 cases confirmed by the NS1 antigen test and/or RT-PCR, including two severe cases and one death, were reported (Figure 3). There are two main seasons: a wet season from June to November and a dry season from December to May. Health authorities in French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Martin, and Saint-Barthélemy are implementing the following measures: The Caribbean islands have a tropical climate. Due to the presence of the competent vector and, given that these territories are popular tourist destinations, the risk of spread to neighboring islands and other countries cannot be ruled out. Additionally, IVM activities should be enhanced to remove potential breeding sites, reduce vector populations, and minimize individual exposure. Local transmission occurs through the, In light of the increase in dengue cases and severe dengue cases in several countries and territories of the Region of the Americas, especially in 2019, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) encourages Member States to follow key recommendations regarding outbreak preparedness and response, case management, laboratory, and integrated vector management (IVM). Écouter la Radio gratuitement sur Surf - Musique. Dengue: Während und nach der Regenzeit steigen die Fallzahlen an. In 2013 and 2014, DENV-4 was the predominant serotype. From 19 January through 16 February 2020, clinically diagnosed cases were reported in 14 of the 24 communes with a sentinel general practitioner (out of a total of 32 communes that make up the archipelago). From 19 January through 15 February 2020, confirmed cases were reported in 18 of the 34 communes of the island. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8(11): e3235. Dengue and severe dengue. Covid-19 : quelles sont les nouvelles mesures annoncées pour les entreprises en difficulté ? See ECDC monthly update Laboratory tests identified DENV-1 and DENV-2 as the circulating serotypes. Coronavirus en Martinique : 78 nouveaux cas du 4 au 10 janvier 2021, Qui va se faire vacciner ? Das Virus wird durch den Stich einer Stechmücke übertragen und ist in tropischen und subtropischen Gebieten verbreitet. Covid-19 : Pfizer va réduire les livraisons de son vaccin en Europe jusqu'à début février, Vaccins contre le Covid-19 : voici les réponses aux 41 questions les plus fréquentes que vous vous posez, Covid-19 : pourquoi les personnes atteintes de trisomie 21 seront vaccinées à partir de lundi, Vaccination contre le Covid-19 : six cas d'effets indésirables graves "avec une évolution favorable" ont été observés en France, Covid-19 : l'aide de 900 euros destinée aux travailleurs précaires sera versée à partir du 5 février. Dengue is a rapidly emerging pandemic-prone viral disease in many parts of the world, including in the Western Pacific Region. Local transmission occurs through the Aedes mosquito vector present on the islands and in French Guiana. In der Mehrzahl der Fälle wurde der Dengue-Virus-Serotyp 3 identifiziert. Community supported source reduction measures should be initiated, and vector surveillance and control implemented. Dengue worldwide overview. Dengue-Fieber wird vom Dengue-Virus verursacht, das in vier verschiedenen Varianten (Serotypen) vorkommt: DENV 1-4. Risk exists throughout the country and year-round, with peak transmission from July to January. Es existieren vier verschiedene Serotypen (Untergruppen) des Virus, die innerhalb der letzten 2000 Jahre in Asien sehr wahrscheinlich unabhängig voneinander von nichtmenschlichen Primaten auf den Mens… Die einzigen bekannten Wirte des Virus sind Primaten und verschiedene Stechmückenarten. Laboratory tests identified DENV-1 and DENV -2 as the predominant serotypes circulating in 2019 and 2020 (as at February 17, 2020). Of this total, 15,392 were laboratory-confirmed and 715 were classified as severe dengue. Window and door screens, and mosquito nets (impregnated or not with insecticide), can be useful to reduce the vector-person contact in closed spaces during the day or night. 02.10.2020 - Martinique: Über 18.500 Dengue-Fälle. D... weiter lesen. Une traversée qui vous mènera à la découverte des joyaux de l'île, en passant par les forêts tropicales, plantations agricoles et plages du sud longeant la mer des Caraïbes. So far in 2020, DENV-2 has accounted for 63% of reported cases. 11 November 2019, Washington, D.C.: PAHO/WHO; 2019, Epidemiological assessment of the severity of dengue epidemics in French Guiana. Home Health & Fitness Dengue fever: stable indicators but above the seasonal threshold Health & Fitness Dengue fever: stable indicators but above the seasonal threshold Das Dengue-Fieber gilt als die häufigste durch Mücken übertragene Virusinfektion weltweit und gehört zu den Krankheiten, die auch deutsche Urlauber oft aus Infektionsgebieten einschleppen. Strengthening integrated vector management (IVM); LâAzou M, Taurel A-F, Flamand C, Que´nel P (2014) Recent Epidemiological Trends of Dengue in the French Territories of the Americas (2000â2012): A Systematic Literature Review. From January 2019 through 17 February 2020, a total of 487 confirmed cases of dengue, with no severe cases or deaths, was reported (Figure 1). Deaths from dengue virus disease are often related to a delay in seeking medical care in severe dengue cases. Dengue epidemics in these territories usually occur when there is a shift in the predominant circulating DENV serotype, and non-immune populations (e.g., tourists, new immigrants, or people not previously exposed to the circulating serotypes) are exposed to the new serotype through human movements within the territories or across neighboring countries. 2018 wurden landesweit 101.192 Fälle registriert. Depuis trois semaines, les indicateurs de surveillance convergent en faveur d’une inflexion du phénomène épidémique. One hundred suspected cases have also been documented in Saint … Forty-seven percent of the suspected cases (n = 1,155) were reported since the beginning of January 2020.