In the same vein and according to Callon et al. The HF 2.0. itself is based on two interconnected and complementary parts, inspired by the 3GDP, to ensure a fruitful debate in the public meeting. The ambition is to further open up the quite classical research on GIs to the “unexpected.” But to be able to consolidate the research on GIs and LAFS in the future, hybrid forums need to be dynamic, interactive, opened and constantly adapted and regenerated by new ideas, controversies and uncertainties. Although this may sound quite idealist, it is worth keeping in mind that hybrid forums are defined as spaces where controversies not only take place but also evolve: “they are powerful apparatuses for exploring and learning about possible worlds” (Callon et al., 2009, p. 28). Strandbakken, P. and Borch, A. In the hope of an even more democratic dialogue, we would have involved a much larger public. 353-362. As previously mentioned, issues of uncertainty or potential dangers are often eliminated from public debate through the European precaution principle. “Hybrid forums are […] as useful to democracy as they are to the market economy. The research team decided to adjust the structure of the HF 2.0. to improve the dialogue and better include the local actors. Callon, M., Lascoumes, P. and Barthe, Y. Réviron, S. and Chappuis, J.-M. (2011), “Geographical indications: collective organization and management”, in Barham, E. and Sylvander, B. Treyer, S. (2009), “Changing perspectives on foresight and strategy: from foresight project management to the management of change in collective strategic elaboration processes”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. Barham, E. and Sylvander, B. Following the discussion in this second part, the crab festival idea was put on the side and a new “bigger” idea was put forward: the establishment of a maritime museum so that local people and tourists can learn about life in the fjord. Michael Callon’s work on hybrid forums is also instrumental to my proposal. 25 No. Marres, N. and Lezaun, J. Secondly, dwelling on the tension between emergent and procedural dynamics of collaboration, I show the limitations these forums confronted for incorporating pre-existing controversies about the present and future of Constitución. The second part, consisting of the open forum, lasted for about an hour and was attended by about 15 people in total, including the panelists and researchers. Part of the HF 2.0.s’ methodology focuses on the controversy (which may not be predefined) that emerged, or will develop, at the local level, as the result of the discussion with local participants. (Eds), Labels of Origin for Food. (2009)’s grids on: their degree of democratization, measured on three basic criteria, including the intensity or deepness, the openness and the quality of the dialogue (Callon et al., 2009, p. 159); the extent to which their structure has facilitated the dialogue, based on the equality of conditions of access, transparency and traceability, as well as the clarity of rules organizing the dialogues (Callon et al., 2009, p. 163). Several topics were discussed throughout the dinner, the most important ones being the role of consumer perceptions in explaining consumption behavior, and the role of restaurants to promote a wider variety of seafood and lesser-known local species, with important implications for supporting strategic behavioral change. Hybrid forum as a public engagement method is far from a dead end with opposite ideas and traditional debate: its specificity strength rests upon its openness and interactivity between all concerned actants, including researchers and different stakeholders. 1-3. In the UK case, the protocol was adjusted to obtain better collective engagement. Restaurant paper placemats, designed specifically for the fish supper, were placed on the table for participants to note down ideas and opinions. In this framework, the panelists are asked to focus on the “common good” and keep aside their personal or business interests. Callon (2011) proposes the creation of hy-brid forums: theoretical spaces of delibera-tion for heterogeneous collection of social groups claiming knowledge about a speci fi c controversial issue. 45-62. It explores this idea of the hashtag as hybrid forum through the worked example of #agchatoz—a hashtag used as both ‘meetup’ organizer for Australian farmers and other stakeholders in Australian agriculture, and as … The first part consisted of a two-hour discussion. willing to wait it out for this one,so glta. Actants denote both human and non-human actors (Latour, 2005). The ambition to improve the effectiveness of the food system to make it more sustainable and fairer is at the heart of our S2F research project. However, in the Norwegian case, a few panelists expressed their wish to have stricter rules and less freedom. Ich erinnere nur daran, dass in heutigen wissenschaftlichen Kontroversen das vorgezeichnet ist, was Arie Rip und Michel Callon "hybride Foren" genannt haben. In a later study, the same authors develop a further typology, disentangling the three dimensions of public engagement into communication, consultation and participation (Rowe and Frewer, 2005). The open structure aims at overcoming the limitations of conventional approaches, as in European research where the project structure sometimes constrains and even pre-defines outcomes. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. Vaz, T.D.N., Nijkamp, P. and Rastoin, J.-L. (2016), Traditional Food Production and Rural Sustainable Development: A European Challenge, Routledge, London and New York, NY. Callon Petroleum Company > still holding this stock. The second HF 2.0. was organized on April 29, 2019 by the same Food Nation team and Newcastle University researchers. This paper is a publication of the Strength2Food project and the authors extend their gratitude to Gun Roos, Hanne Torjusen, Gunnar Vittersø and Marine Fumel (the SIFO Team) in Norway as well as Carmen Hubbard, Jeremy Phillipson, Matthew Gorton and Richard Freeman (Newcastle University) and Joanna Lacey, Jamie Sadler, Kristy Whittle and Chris Jewitt (Food Nation) in the UK. The role of controversy, or conflict, is one of the major threads in public engagement methods, as it represents a stimulating point for common reflection, as well as a potential outcome in a complex and uncertain environment. Local Development, Global Recognition, Labels of Origin for Food: Local Development, Global Recognition, Princeton University: Princeton University Press, Are local food chains more sustainable than global food chains? Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. By carefully describing the genealogy, organization and consequences of said forums, I reflect on three critical tensions underlying such collaborative processes. The second speaker introduced the launch of an application for food procurement, and highlighted some of the barriers to sourcing locally landed seafood and ways for restaurants to expand their fish display. UPS - LEIDER IST IHR BROWSER VERALTET! Marion Nestle Feb 21, 2012 (Nestle, 2012). Beside the usefulness of HF 2.0. in shaping the development of the aforementioned S2F project actions, the experiences from Norway and the UK provided an open and democratic framework to share knowledge, develop potential synergies and build partnerships to improve current practices in the LAFS. Several uncertainties, linked to sustainability, pollution or obesity were critically discussed as collective issues. Beim Verbrauch legt Toyota die Messlatte zumindest sehr hoch. 403-413. It is a question of enabling different groups to partake the dialogue process and share the public space, so that all voices and identities can be heard. Hybrid forums is the concept that Callon et al. The discussion theme was closely linked to the first HF 2.0, as well as to the fieldwork evidence collected on local short food supply chains and consumer perceptions about local and sustainable (sea) food, which are central exploratory issues of the S2F project. Two controversies were central in this discussion: one about the importance, or not, of eating more fish, and the other about the necessity, or not, to protect the sea from contamination and the local fish stocks. One of the aspects of his work that could constitute a subject of engagement, and that I would like to consider here, is the question of hybrid forums and of what participation could mean when science and techno-industrial objects and systems are implied. 89 Reads . Mariani, M. (2018), The contested borders of cultural biodiversity: exploring knowledge and practices in origin food schemes, Evidence from Mediterranean Origin Cheeses. Besides their scope as communication and research methodology, HF 2.0. can result in a potential improvement of the local community. Firstly, taking into account the tension between the notion of hybrid forums as a concept and a device, I describe how these were devised by a Chilean consulting company as a tool for managing controversies. As North Shields is particularly renowned for its fishing trade, being the busiest and most important fishing port of the East part of England, the choice of location was not coincidental. Nutzer können mit ihrer Hilfe beim elektrischen Fahren Punkte sammeln und diese anschießend gegen Prämien eintauschen. (1995), “Conventions de qualité, concurrence et coopération. (2001), Agir Dans un Monde Incertain, Essai sur la démocratie technique, Paris. Plug-in-Hybride sind nur umweltfreundlich, wenn sie regelmäßig geladen und im Elektro-Modus gefahren werden. They can offer an enriching and challenging methodological approach in the context of LAFS, especially in the discussion of controversial issues around food chain sustainability. In this context, dialogic democracy can play a key role in strengthening the operational efficiency of public entities and institutions, especially in the frame of LAFS and GIs, which constantly evolve and construct in a dynamic relationship and interactivity between production, distribution, consumption and regulation. In those complex networks of actants where scientific experts, policy makers, producers, consumers, intervene and interact with each other, dialogic communication is essential. Die Teilnahme an der Tagung ist für Sie kostenfrei. In doing so, they emphasize the lack of appropriate benchmarks, including standardized instruments, to assess different participation methods and propose an evaluation system based on acceptance criteria and process criteria. 121 No. An HF 2.0. approach offers to map human resources within a local community to address specific controversies and identify the mechanisms and drivers that can stimulate innovations and co-construct knowledge together. In the four experiments the researchers were only there to create a framework conducive to dialogue and did not intervene directly in the discussions. Giami, A., Perrey, C., de Oliveira Mendonça, A.L. The first part of the discussion involved five researchers (including a master student) and four panelists: a consumer, a representative from the local County Governor, a fresh food manager from the local grocery store and a local fishmonger. The online publications platform for Regional Studies Association members, /doi/full/10.1080/13604813.2016.1193998?needAccess=true, Restore content access for purchases made as guest. (2016), “Local agro-food systems in America and Europe: territorial anchorage and local governance of identity-based foods”, Culture & History Digital Journal, Vol. Part one consists of a preparatory workshop which aims at reaching a common level of knowledge, accrued via shared information on the subject, brief outline of the HF 2.0. structure, and awareness about each other’s ideas and perspectives. In the context of this special issue, this paper explores the use of a dialogic methodology to shed light on the dynamic and multiple sources of controversies for LAFS and sustainable practices, in order to stimulate local, and European, development strategies in that field. In this paper I study the managerial deployment of hybrid forums … It is important to underline its European specificity in this frame of LAFS and European Food Quality Schemes and to note that an American approach to uncertainty would be different, as decisions can be taken as long as harm is not proved.