Center for Studies in Social Change (OSC), which conducts research on topics such as urban, school and gender inequalities, stratification and social mobility, and ethno-racial or social segregation. Il fait partie du concours commun. Brunel, Manuel de guérilla à l'usage des femmes, p. 29. Even though eight of thirteen ministers in De Gaulle's government, including Debré himself, were Sciences Po alumni, a significant reform of the university seemed inevitable, as it had been instrumental in training the class of leaders whom many accused of complacency in face of Nazi aggression. Bienvenue à Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, le 10e Institut d'études politiques. Mot de passe oublié, Prépa Concours Commun IEP de Province – Terminale, Ateliers « Dossier, entretien et lettre de motivation ». Sciences Po : Quel IEP de Province choisir ? Sciences Po offre également plusieurs programmes de doubles diplômes avec des universités à l’international et en France. The current dean of the Undergraduate College is Stéphanie Balme. Ainsi, dès la deuxième année d’études, les étudiants ont la possibilité de s’engager dans des projets d’engagement associatif, de création d’entreprise, de programme de recherche ou encore de mission d’expertise. The curriculum is taught in French, English and German, as it focuses on the European Union and French-German relations. Après avoir résisté des années au système d’admission post-bac APB, les Instituts d’études politiques (IEP) s’apprêtent à faire leur entrée dans Parcoursup. But one of Ameri… 1,904 students were accepted, for an admission rate of 18%. [67], Sciences Po organizes numerous public lecture events. Les anciens de l'IEP. Animée par Franck Jacquet (professeur d’histoire à Sciences Po Paris, diplômé de Sciences Po et de l’ESCP-Europe, agrégé d’histoire) et/ou Thomas Arnaldi (diplômé de Sciences Po Paris), responsables de la prépa Sciences Po Cours Thalès. Students enrolled in these dual degree programmes spend one year at Sciences Po in Paris and one year at the partner university. As soon as 2004, fearing for the access to the bar and legal professions to be open to institutions that are not law schools, 54 professors of law signed a long text in the 'Recueil Dalloz' (major French legal journal), called "The Fight for the Law". [52], The Undergraduate College (Collège universitaire) is the home of all undergraduate students. Sciences Po Grenoble, Institut d'études politiques de Grenoble, 1030 av. It also studies issues related to higher education and research, healthcare, sustainable development, the evolution of firms, and the transformation of the state. Pluridisciplinarité et internationalisation sont les piliers de la formation de … Ces concours font appel à des qualités qui ne sont pas nécessaires à la réussite au Bac et qui s’acquièrent par un entraînement spécifique ! [140] The French Castex government includes a number of Sciences Po graduates, including Florence Parly, Bruno Le Maire, and Jean-Michel Blanquer. Ils sont bien sûrs à prendre en compte puisqu’il en va de la qualité de vie de l’étudiant. L’IEP de Lyon propose donc aux étudiants des spécialisations sur l’Amérique latine et Caraïbes, les Etats-Unis, l’Europe, l’Afrique subsaharienne contemporaine, le Monde arabe contemporain, ainsi que le Monde extrême-oriental contemporain. [38], In 2016 Sciences Po purchased the Hôtel de l’Artillerie, a 17th-century former monastery located 200 meters from its campus on rue Saint-Guillaume. 72 rue Raynouard – 75016 Paris, Mot de passe : Enfin, l’IEP de Toulouse offre la possibilité de suivre le double cursus IEP/Management en partenariat avec la Business School de Toulouse. [88] The journalist at France Culture Guillaume Erner stated that the institution is "only advertisement and artifice". [115][116][117] Several universities followed this model, and created these highly selective schools. Annales corrigés concours Avenir et Puissance 11 (Alpha), SCIENCES PO ET IEP
Sciences po - IEP. Les étudiants à Science Po Paris et dans les autres IEP sont formés pour développer et acquérir des aptitudes et compétences afin d’être aptes à entrer sur le marché de l’emploi. Different events include athletic games such as volleyball and football, as well as artistic competitions such as music and dance.[35][36]. L’IEP de Saint-Germain-en-Laye permet aux étudiants de poursuivre durant la quatrième année des doubles diplômes, notamment IEP/ESSEC. In addition, each campus offers a different regional specialism which anchors students' intellectual objectives, the regions are: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East-Mediterranean, and North America. [81][82] As a result, the school is often[need quotation to verify] nicknamed "Sciences Pipeau" (pronounced and sometimes spelled "Sciences Pipo", "pipeau" meaning "scam" in colloquial French[83]). Sciences Po also expanded outside Paris by establishing additional campuses in Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancy, Poitiers, and Reims. On all campuses, students choose a multidisciplinary major – Politics & Government, Economies & Societies, or Political Humanities. IEP Bordeaux - Sciences Po. En effet, la plupart des masters peuvent se faire en contrat d’apprentissage, afin de favoriser l’insertion professionnelle. 47 rue de Naples – 75008 Paris, LYCÉE STANISLAS N’hésitez donc pas à regarder les sites web des IEP qui vous intéressent afin que vos orientations professionnelles soient en adéquation avec les points forts de l’IEP choisi. Médialab, which studies the way data generated by new information technologies is produced, circulated and exploited. Previously, Sciences Po recruited its students exclusively on the basis of a competitive examination. [129] An investigation concerning Duhamel has been opened by Paris prosecutors in january 2021 about "rape and sexual aggression against a minor". Public sector alumni also include the former President of the European Central Bank and Governor of the Bank of France Jean-Claude Trichet, the former head of the European Federation of Businesses, Industries and Employers and head of the French Businesses and Employers Union Laurence Parisot, among many others. [14], Debré proposed the compromise that was eventually adopted. Other buildings include: The Paris campus welcomes about 3,000 undergraduate students, almost a third of whom are international exchange students. [98], In February 2012, it was revealed that an inspector of the French Court of Audit, in charge of investigating the financial behaviour of Sciences Po, was at the same time employed by Sciences Po. Frédéric Mion, a graduate of Sciences Po, ENA and École Normale Supérieure and former secretary general of Canal+, was appointed president of Sciences Po on 1 March 2013. Il fait partie du concours commun. Des cours 100% interactifs sur un vrai tableau. [154] Emmanuel Gaillard also teaches at the Law School. The Sciences Po curriculum now incorporates core courses in various branches of the social sciences, such as law, economics, history, political science, and sociology. [118], Richard Descoing, former head of the school, made no case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's habit of "seducing" young students. This system was seen to favor students from prestigious preparatory high schools, largely attended by the children of the French elite. The Court of Financial and Budgetary Discipline eventually found Casanova guilty, but gave him a lenient sentence because the procedures had some part of regularity and because it was not customary in Sciences Po to follow all the financial rules. [10] The colonial branch of ELSP closed in 1893 after a state-sponsored colonial school was created in 1889; however positions in the administrations of French colonies and protectorates continued to accept graduates from the ELSP. Sciences Po Paris et Bordeaux qui recrutent en 2021 sur dossier + entretien Oral (plus d’épreuves écrites) Le Réseau ScPo (IEP d’Aix, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, St Germain, Strasbourg et Toulouse.) Furthermore, Le Havre is home to several Dual Degree programs, and welcomes international students from over thirty countries from all around the world. The third mandatory year abroad is spent in the Middle East or elsewhere. Sciences Po is broadly perceived as an elite institution. The Doctoral School offers Master and PhD programmes in law, economics, history, political science, or sociology. [112], These critics said that it would not be a problem if Sciences Po was offering 8 semesters of law, as required as a general rule, to access to the bar. According to a study published in Le Monde in 2017, 14% (81 of the 577) of French members of parliament elected the same year were Sciences Po graduates, the most represented university in the National Assembly. [55], The university has numerous research centers, seven of which are affiliated with France's National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Les fondamentaux de Chimie, 36 rue de la Folie Regnault – 75011 Sciences Po Bordeaux, or Institut d'études politiques (IEP) de Bordeaux, is a French political science grande école located on the university campus of Pessac, 8 km from the centre of Bordeaux. [27] His intention to pursue Sciences Po's development as a "selective university of international standing" is detailed in the policy paper "Sciences Po 2022", published in the spring of 2014. En 2020, Sciences Po Grenoble sera, comme tous les IEP, sur Parcoursup. [93], Alain Lancelot, director of Sciences Po from 1987 to 1996, was investigated for financial mismanagement by the French Court of Audit. BY MATT TAIBBIFebruary 18, 2015 This is the age of the whistleblower. It has also produced work on the theory and history of law, public and private international law and intellectual property. Nous partageons une vision commune visant à vous fournir les clés essentielles pour vous aider à préparer les concours de Sciences Po et des IEP. 445 academics publicly signed the petition, which is 15% of all French academics in law. The public-private nature of Sciences Po, Paris, also distinguishes it from a network of institutes of political studies throughout the country that were inspired by its curriculum, but that do not enjoy the same level of autonomy and prestige, namely in Strasbourg, Lyon, Aix, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Toulouse, Rennes and Lille. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mion announced in May 2020 that Sciences Po would be adopting a "dual campus" system for the upcoming academic year. Annuaire + Ressources . Les IEP ou écoles Sciences Po. [112], To them, with this decree, the law was becoming a marketing product in a service of a school of political sciences that has many connections with politicians. Located on the coast of Normandy, Le Havre has hosted the undergraduate Euro-Asian campus since 2007, recently celebrating the tenth anniversary of the campus in September 2017. Those who are not there can hope to be there one day. France Inter, L'école de l'élite : Sciences Pipo ? Données Infrastructures et Méthodes d'Enquête en Sciences Humaines et Sociales (DIME-SHS) aims to collect and disseminate data for use in humanities and social sciences research. Il est réputé pour les Masters en économie et en finance qu’il propose aux étudiants. Influential cultural figures, such as the writer Marcel Proust, the founder of the modern olympics Pierre de Coubertin, fashion designer Christian Dior, author Leïla Slimani, author Emmanuel Carrère, Harvard University Professor Stanley Hoffman, former Le Monde editor Jean-Marie Colombani also graduated from Sciences Po.[151]. Sa position géographique proche de Paris fait qu’il reste l’un des IEP les plus demandés. [108][109], In February 2016, the Court of Audit noted that reforms had been made, but stated that greater transparency was still needed. [66], Founded in the 1950s, Presses de Sciences Po is the publishing house of Sciences Po. [25] A further report by the French Court of Audit in 2012 severely criticized Sciences Po under the Descoings leadership for its opaque, and possibly illegal, financial management, notably with regard to management salaries.[26]. The academic bodies of Sciences Po consist of the Undergraduate College, six professional schools, and the Doctoral School. Les étudiants s’envolent pour leur année de séjour ou de stage dès la deuxième année et non durant la troisième année comme c’est le cas dans la plupart des IEP de Province. It is housed in the 17th century College des Jesuits. Cet IEP attire beaucoup d’étudiants du fait du développement de « masters choc », comme l’aime à dire Xavier CRETTIEZ (professeur à l’IEP de Saint-Germain-en-Laye). La difficulté principale du concours de Sciences Po et des Instituts d’Études Politiques est d’assimiler de nombreuses références théoriques, de matières universitaires très diverses et de pouvoir en parler avec un niveau de détail poussé dans une copie. In late 2016, Sciences Po acquired a new site, the Hôtel de l'Artillerie in the 7th arrondissement of Paris,[32] which it intends to make the new heart of its urban campus and a site of "educational renewal". Public Higher Education Research Institution, 117, boulevard Saint-Germain: School of Journalism, 199, boulevard Saint-Germain: Doctoral School, 174 and 224, boulevard Saint-Germain: offices and classrooms, 28, rue des Saints-Pères: Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). [65] The Bibliothèque de Sciences Po is also the main French partner in the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, which is based at the London School of Economics. to diverse members of staff, including his wife, in spite of the fact that Sciences Po is partly stately funded. Il convient aussi de rap… The founders of the school sought to reform the training of French politicians by establishing a new "breeding ground where nearly all the major, non-technical state commissioners were trained.". Les IEP (instituts d’études politiques) proposent des formations centrées sur les affaires publiques, la politique et l’administration française. Quelles spécialités choisir pour intégrer Sciences Po ? Comité national d'évaluation des établissements publics à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel, This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 23:23. L’une des spécificités de l’IEP de Grenoble est sans nul doute la spécialisation anticipée qu’il propose dès la deuxième année d’étude. MATHÉMATIQUES
They pointed out in particular the problem of the quality of the knowledge of legal professionals and of their deontology, should it be otherwise. "Almost every French newspaper is run by an alumnus of Sciences Po", and most of the journalists in France are alumni from Science Po, so it would give the school "an unparalleled media coverage" and permit it to "cultivate a culture of secrecy" about its internal affairs. The Menton campus takes part in the dual BA programmes with Columbia University, University College London, the National University of Singapore, the University of British Columbia, the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Hong Kong and the University of Sydney. [39][40], The Hôtel de l’Artillerie will house new facilities for Sciences Po's graduate programs, including a courtroom for the Law School and a newsroom for the Journalism School. Centre for International Studies (CERI), which produces comparative and historical analysis on foreign societies, international relations, and political, social and economic phenomena. However, Sciences Po would be offering only general courses in social sciences with only a "sprinkling of law" in the masters programs. A noter que l’IEP de Grenoble possède son concours spécifique, il ne fait donc pas partie du concours commun. Frédéric Mion, director of Sciences Po since 2013, defended the university's record and asked the judges to write their report again. The union of (French) law school’s deans "totally" associated itself to the move too. [11], Sciences Po underwent significant reforms in the aftermath of France's liberation from Nazi occupation in 1945. [74][75][76] In recent years, however, Sciences Po's concerted efforts, at times controversial, to promote social inclusion in higher education have taken center stage. Il s’agit d’un cadre de choix pour les étudiants qui désirent se préparer aux carrières de la fonction publique internationale. [56], In addition to these research units, the university has recently established three major research programs – the LIEPP, DIME-SHS and MaxPo.[56].