Progressive regional alert and intervention system, Please expand the section to include this information. "[83], On April 15 and 22, the state of emergency was consecutively extended twice until April 24 and 29 respectively.[84][85]. Last 15 days, The province of Quebec confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on February 27. He also cancelled upcoming trips to such locations. "[59], On November 19, Premier Legault announced that restrictions would be loosened for Christmas. [26][27][28] She was transferred to the Jewish General Hospital on March 3, and was released on March 4. [79], On April 7, the state of emergency was extended and the city of Montreal announced the cancellation of all summer festivals and events until July 2. Aug [14][15] Premier François Legault initially classified the threat posed by the virus as being "weak". For the pandemic in Montreal specifically, see, Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Quebec, Canada. Non-essential regional and out-of-province travel not recommended. 2-2021 made on January 8, 2021, (Order in Council 2-2021) has been published by the Quebec government. and/or restricted air access to prevent non-essential travel towards the [224] On April 6, CAE announced the layoff of approximately 2,600 employees, representing just over a quarter of their workforce. [192], On March 12, Montreal and Quebec City cancelled their St. Patrick's Day parades (the former for the first time in its 196-year history). As of April 1, 519 long-term care facilities in Quebec, including both lodging centres for long-term care (French: centre d'hébergement de soins de longue durée, CHSLD) and private seniors' residences (French: résidence privée pour aînés, RPA),[132] had at least one confirmed case of COVID-19. [115], On March 14, Premier Legault announced that the province would prohibit visits to hospitals and long-term care facilities. Classes will be limited to 15 students each, and parents will be allowed to choose whether their children may return to classes. The pandemic first spread to Quebec in February 2020, with seventeen cases by March 12, and restrictions on public gatherings were announced the same day. Il y a actuellement 1 888 personnes qui sont testées et dont les résultats sont en attente. [207] The 2020 World Figure Skating Championships, planned to be hosted by Montreal, were cancelled on March 11. En date du dimanche 22 mars 2020, à 21 h, il y a au Québec 628 cas confirmés de personnes atteintes de la COVID-19. Pour rassurer nos aînés, le ministère de la Santé mettra en place un service afin de venir en aide à ceux n’ayant pas de proches ou ne disposant pas d’autres moyens pour faire leur épicerie et leurs achats essentiels. Et restreignent certaines libertés individuelles. [137] There were also reports of neglect and poor living conditions at the facility, with staff having deserted the facility since March 29, and health care workers describing it as being akin to a horror movie or a concentration camp, due to discovering unhygienic living conditions, and residents neglected for nourishment and personal hygiene. [152][153], On April 1, security checkpoints were implemented in several municipalities in the Lanaudiere region, the Laurentians, La Tuque, and the Outaouais region (including the Ontario border), to restrict non-essential travel into the regions. places of worship, festivals, banquet halls, etc.) [179] On March 15, the government announced that it would offer free emergency childcare services for people working in essential services, with up to 60,000 spots available, using the up to 400 schools that the government had closed. The rule can be traced back to the 1930s and was created out of the belief that large droplets emitted by exhalations (sneezing, talking, breathing), do not travel beyond this distance, and do not remain suspended in the air. [142], That weekend, teams were sent to all 41 private CHSLDs in the province to evaluate their response to the pandemic. Le Québec n'a pas été frappé par une pandémie de cette ampleur depuis la grippe espagnole, il y a plus d'un siècle. [183] On April 5, Quebec extended all closures relating to the pandemic through at least May 4. Dubé emphasized that residents must reduce social contacts and stay home in order to reduce the spread, stating that "I'm glad that we were ready because of the severity and speed of the second wave, but we cannot control how people react to the measures. Retail stores within the Montreal region were allowed to reopen a week later on May 11. [154][155], Since March 15, all hearings before a judicial administrative court must be held behind closed doors, and all visits (except those of lawyers) to a detention facility in Quebec were suspended. J’ai besoin de votre collaboration et je compte sur vous pour aider nos aînés, nos personnes handicapées et nos organismes communautaires. Essential stores would have to close by 7:30 p.m and those caught contravening the curfew could face fines of up to $6,000, with exceptions made for health emergencies and essential workers travelling for work reasons. [42], On March 19, Minister of Health and Social Services Danielle McCann suspended orders made by the Court of Quebec that allowed children under the Director of Youth Protection (CDPDJ) to maintain physical contact with their biological parents. All tiers are subject to continued practice of social distancing, mandatory masking, and hygiene practices. [144][145], On April 14, Premier Legault announced that Quebec would allow residents of CHSLDs to receive visits from a pre-existing primary caregiver beginning April 16. Jan Only essential travel into le Bas-Saint-Laurent, l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, la Côte-Nord, le Nord-du-Québec, le Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, le Nunavik, and les Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James were permitted. [180] On March 16, the Université Laval, the Université de Sherbrooke, and the École de technologie supérieure transitioned to online classes. On July 17, 2020, the large number of recoveries is due to a revision of the algorithm used by the Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ) to determine when a person may be considered recovered. [10] Hours afterwards, a third presumptive case was confirmed, involving a woman who had returned from France on March 3. Confinement obligatoire pour les personnes âgées en résidences. Depuis le 18 décembre, le Québec rapporte chaque jour plus de 2000 nouveaux cas de COVID-19.Des données qui laissent redouter un prolongement du confinement… Legault also expressed an objection to using software primarily developed in Ontario, as Montreal was "one of the best centres in the world" for artificial intelligence development. [33][34][35][36][37][38][39] On March 14, Premier Legault officially declared a public health emergency, lasting at least ten days. [217] Other local events that have faced cancellations include the Tour de l'Île de Montréal, and various footraces. [53], On September 28, amid a major spike in cases in Greater Montreal, Quebec City, and Chaudiere-Appalaches, Premier Legault announced that restrictions would be instated in multiple areas of the province (under a Level 4 "red" alert under the regional alert and intervention system) effective midnight on October 1, including restrictions on private gatherings and certain lines of high-risk businesses (particularly dine-in restaurants, bars, and casinos). [178], On March 13, Quebec ordered the closure of all schools, CEGEPs, and post-secondary institutions until at least March 27. On March 23, 2020, the jump in positive results corresponds to a directive that local PCR tests done by designated hospitals no longer need to be confirmed by the Public Health laboratory. [193][194] The Montreal Symphony Orchestra cancelled concerts scheduled through May 24 (including a planned performance at New York City's Carnegie Hall). By the end of March, over four and a half thousand cases had been confirmed in all regions of the province. Décès. Au cours des prochaines semaines, il va falloir être soudés comme peuple. On May 3, 2020, the number of confirmed cases includes 1317 cases added retrospectively due to a computer problem. [63], Two days before New Year's Eve, Quebec registered 2,870 cases, the highest since the beginning of the pandemic. Au cours des dernières semaines, le nombre de nouveaux cas de COVID-19 rapportés quotidiennement est très élevé au Québec. On May 19, 2020, the Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ) stopped reporting the number of cases pending. [159], Since March 19, orders made by the Court of Quebec that allowed children of the DPJ to maintain physical contact with their biological parents were suspended. [77], On April 4, Quebec Government granted the national public health director and any health director the authority to order a person to self-isolate for a maximum period of 14 days without a court order if the person does not consent to voluntarily self-isolate. [117], From May 22, the Quebec government restricted outdoor gatherings in private locations to a maximum of 10 people, but loosened the requirement to maintain a two-meter (6') distance between the people gathered for it to apply "as much as possible" rather than at all times. [203] On April 10, Quebec requested that all cultural events, festivals, and sporting events be cancelled province-wide through at least August 31. Confinement : « Le Québec a besoin de notre aide » – Martin Ouellet Le 11 janvier 2021 — Modifié à 10 h 30 min le 11 janvier 2021 Temps de lecture : 4 min People would also be able to walk their dog within a one kilometre radius of their house. [156] All decisions of the Tribunal administratif du logement authorizing the resumption of housing or the eviction of the tenant were suspended. [43] On the same day, it was announced that Quebec residents in isolation or quarantine who are not covered by any benefits may apply for $573 per week of financial aid for a maximum of 14 days. [150], As of March 16, the Montréal–Trudeau International Airport is one of only four airports across the country that is accepting international flights to Canada from outside the Caribbean, Mexico, and the United States. [45], Physical distancing measures increased residential electricity demand by 2.3% and lowered commercial demand by 3.1% from March 13 to March 19, according to an Hydro-Québec spokesman. ... Tout ce que tu dois savoir sur les mesures de confinement en vigueur ce week-end au Québec Isabelle Noël. [102] On January 11, Premier Legault suggested that Pfizer might stop delivering vaccines to Quebec if the province does not comply with the recommended schedule. [47], On April 7, Quebec released a model projecting that the province would see as few as 1,263 to as many as 8,860 deaths from COVID-19 by the end of the month, depending on the epidemic curve. Jun [79], There were calls by the students of the Université du Québec system for the winter terms to be cancelled outright, with Trois-Rivières students circulating a petition also requesting that they receive credits without a grade. May The change resulted in a decrease of the number of negative tests reported. COVID-19: Déconfinement sous haute surveillance au Québec Alors que le Québec entame son déconfinement, les entreprises pourront reprendre peu à peu leurs activités [202], The National Hockey League[204] and Major League Soccer[205] have suspended their regular seasons, affecting the Montreal Canadiens and Montreal Impact. [104], As of January 12, 2021[update], over 107,300 vaccines have been administered in the province across 21 vaccination centres. Consequently, on December 3 the government rolled back their permissions on holiday gatherings in red zones. Organized gatherings in public settings (i.e. [177] On March 13, the Université de Montréal cancelled all international teaching and research activities until the next school year. [135] The same day, the owners of CHSLD Herron sent a letter to Legault accusing CIUSSSOIM of engaging in a cover-up, claiming that 28 of the deaths reported had actually occurred after the facility was placed under trusteeship on March 29, disputing that they had not allowed them access to health records until April 8, and that "no communication was made to the families of the residents by the representatives of the CIUSSSOIM, despite numerous requests made to that effect by the employees as well as members of the management of the CHLSD Herron. [106], On March 20, the government of Quebec announced the suspension of interest on student loans as of April 1, 2020, for the next six months. [220], On March 15, the Antonopoulos group — owner of many hotels and restaurants in Old Montreal — announced to its employees that several layoffs were expected. [131] Of the workers who were present, only 50% were working full-time. [221] Groupe Sportscene (owner of sports bar chain La Cage) laid off 2,200 of its 2,500 employees. until the start of the next school year. [116][40], On March 20, the Quebec government prohibited indoor gatherings and required for outdoor gatherings that a two-meter (6') distance be kept between the people gathered, with some exceptions, such as for members of the same household. [109], On April 2, a salary bonus of 8% to all healthcare professionals on the front line and a bonus of 4% to the rest of the network's employees was announced by ministers Christian Dubé and Danielle McCann. Jul Aucune personne aînée ne manquera de nourriture. [184][185], The province launched a website known as L'École Ouverte (Open School), which provides a collection of online education resources and activities in French and English. [58] The next day, the province recorded 1,364 new cases, its largest increase to-date. Il est possible d’obtenir de l’information en utilisant la ligne coronavirus selon l’indicatif régional de votre localité : Pour être à l’affût des mises à jour des données, suivez le compte Twitter du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux . "[66], On March 12, Premier Legault announced that the province would ban indoor gatherings of more than 250 people, and that government workers, health care professionals, and teachers returning from international travel would be required to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival. [3], The province confirmed its first case on February 28—a 41-year-old woman from Montreal who had returned from Iran on the 24th on a flight from Doha, Qatar. The patient was a 41-year-old woman who had returned to Montreal from Iran three days earlier on a flight from Doha, Qatar. The next day, the Quebec government announced that retail stores outside of the Montreal region with exterior operating doors will be allowed to reopen from May 4 onwards. [148][149] On April 22, Premier Legault announced that the province had requested an additional 1,000 workers to "give us more resources to help us with non-medical tasks. Le premier ministre a appelé les chefs d’entreprises et tous les entrepreneurs à profiter de cette pause pour préparer le redémarrage du Québec. Montreal will therefore host the 2021 women's tournament[210][211][212], Other provincial sports bodies have also suspended activities, including Basketball Québec,[213] Baseball Québec (baseball activity suspended until at least May 1),[214] Hockey Québec (including the Quebec Junior Hockey League, which called off the remainder of the season),[215][216] and Soccer Québec (activity suspended until at least May 1). [112], On April 3, Minister of the Economy Pierre Fitzgibbon announced $150 million in expenditure to help small and medium-sized businesses impacted by the pandemic. Log into your account. [195] All Grand Théâtre de Québec shows were cancelled through at least March 29. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Le bilan des décès demeure inchangé, soit 4. Après les écoles, les commerces et autres établissements et/ou domaines, il y a encore plusieurs secteurs qui attendent avec impatience leur tour pour planifier leur réouverture. Adults under 60 years of age who do not have a chronic disease or health problem that increases the risk of complications, but who provide essential services and have contact with users. [21][22], By March 18, 94 confirmed cases had been reported in Quebec. It also asked Quebec citizens not to travel between regions. [56] Quebec officially joined the app on October 5; Premier Legault emphasized that the more people using the app, "the more successful we will be and the faster we can go back to a normal way of life.". Daycares were also ordered closed, unless serving the children of health care professionals. Arrêté numéro 2020-004 de la ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux en date du 15 mars 2020. No one could leave or enter the region unless they fell within the exception. Sep [161], From March 23 to April 24, 2020, all deadlines for civil procedures were suspended, and only urgent cases were heard before the Quebec Court of Appeal, the Superior Court of Quebec and the Court of Quebec. As of January 13, 2021[update], there have been over 236,800 confirmed cases, 204,700 recoveries and 8,800 deaths. Stores recommended to limit customers to one person per-household. En date du dimanche 22 mars, à 21 h, il y avait 628 cas de personnes testées positives, 45 personnes sont hospitalisées et 20 sont aux soins intensifs. On March 15, the government enforced the closure of various entertainment and recreational venues, and on March 23, all non-essential businesses were ordered to close. [44] The government also announced that it would extend the income tax filing deadline, and inject $2.5 billion into companies suffering liquidity problems due to the pandemic. [46], During a cabinet meeting on March 20, the government extended Quebec's health emergency order-in-council for at least 10 more days. [87], On April 29, Quebec government announced that regional travel restrictions would be lifted on May 4. Aujourd’hui, on rend public le plan de déconfinement graduel de tous les secteurs. [141] Quebec's coroner's office and the Montreal police are also investigating. Total . Additionally, although elementary schools would open as planned on January 11, high schools would remain closed until January 18. On March 23, Premier Legault ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses beginning at midnight on March 24, until at least April 13. This order-in-council, which came into force on January 9, 2021, at 5 a.m., provides a framework for the … [187], On March 21, the provincial government awarded a $7 million grant to Medicago, a Quebec City-based firm that was developing a COVID-19 vaccine candidate. However, he affirmed that if such a situation arose, Quebec would modify their strategy to adhere to the recommended schedule. [223] On March 26, Cogeco Media announced that it would lay off 130 employees, representing a quarter of their workforce. Publishing date: Jan 06, 2021 • • 3 minute read. [143], On April 13, Premier Legault presented findings from the evaluations, reporting that the "vast majority" of private CHSLDs were "very well managed," but that there were several that required further monitoring and that the province would now be inspecting all 2,600 CHSLDs. Possibility that roadblocks can be used to restrict travel. Pour consulter la liste des services et activités commerciales essentiels, veuillez consulter le site internet Qué . There is currently no region at level 1 or 2. CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal (CIUSSSOIM) president Lynne McVey stated that the facility's owner was uncooperative, preventing authorities from obtaining the health records of its residents until April 8. [101], The Quebec government has received criticism for its first-dose priority system, which would allow for the greatest amount of people to receive a first-dose but which would delay administration of a second-dose to months after the first, as opposed to the three weeks recommended by Pfizer. [23] The province also had its first death. [75], On April 20, Minister of Education Jean-François Roberge announced that the province's R score system (typically used by universities to help select CEGEP applicants) would be suspended for the winter semester, so that students are not "unfairly penalized" due to a lack of uniformity in responses and approaches by Quebec's CEGEP's. [73] The following day, March 29, the state of emergency was extended. The lack of a maximum number of people and the requirement that the distance be kept at all times were maintained for outdoor gatherings in public locations. She said that the right to peaceful protest "without masks cannot be tolerated" and she is not ruling out using force to disperse protests if needed. On June 29, 2020, the Québec Government provided only partial totals on the summaries for the period June 26–28, 2020. [128], On April 5, the Quebec government began to centralize the purchase of drugs, and sought to find an alternative drug for propofol, out of fear of a shortage.[129]. [1][105], On March 16, the government of Quebec announced financial compensation to workers who returned from abroad that had been placed in segregation, and did not have access to employment insurance. Apr These cases, detected between April 2 2020 and April 30 2020. Previously, tests confirmed only at designated hospitals were considered "presumed" rather than "confirmed". Sauf qu'il n'y a toujours aucune sanction prévue pour les délinquants qui refusent de se soumettre aux directives gouvernementales, devenues chaque jour plus contraignantes. Dine-in restaurants, bars, taverns, cinemas, gyms, and casinos must close. [133] As of April 30, a total of 6603 residents in CHSLDs and RPAs had been infected. [201] The Montreal Fireworks Festival was also cancelled. Vous trouvez que le « Grand Confinement » fait mal économiquement ? "[146], On April 16, the Montreal Regional Director of Public Health, Mylène Drouin, stated that outbreaks of COVID—19 had affected at least 75% of long-term care facilities in the city. [94], On May 27, the reopening of facilities including private health offices, pet grooming services, personal and beauty care, museums, public libraries and camping sites outside of Greater Montreal Area was announced alongside an additional extension to the state of emergency. Vulnerable people and people with a significant loss of autonomy who live in residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs) or in intermediate and family-type resources (RI‑RTFs). On March 20, the state of public health emergency was renewed and the prohibition of assemblies was extended to outdoor activities with limited exceptions.[70]. Actions may be taken to strengthen enforcement and compliance with existing basic measures: Stronger restrictions and compliance measures are enforced to mitigate a heightened risk of infection: Targeted measures are employed against high-risk activities to mitigate a strong risk of infection, while aiming to avoid a "generalized". On March 22, the Quebec Government announced the closing of all shopping malls and hair and beauty salons. Data that raise concerns about an extension of confinement. On April 27, Quebec government announced that preschools and elementary schools outside the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) could reopen on May 11, preparing a possible return to work for their parents. [80], On April 10, the Quebec government announces that all festivals, sporting events and cultural events are cancelled until August 31. [61] An exception was made for single-parent households and people who live alone, who were permitted to join one other family's bubble between December 17 and January 10, 2021. [202], On April 7, Montreal ordered the cancellation of all cultural events, festivals, public gatherings, and sporting events through July 2 (resulting in the cancellation of local Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day and Canada Day festivities). [137][138][139] On April 10, Health Minister McCann announced that an investigation would be launched into the facility, which had been placed under provincial trusteeship. ", "Questions and answers on health instructions, symptoms, treatments and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic", "COVID-19-related instructions for the holiday season", "Quebec schools, offices, non-essential businesses to close until Jan. 11 to help curb spread of 2nd wave", "Quebec imposes curfew, tightens lockdown restrictions as coronavirus health crisis deepens", "COVID-19 in Quebec: What you need to know Thursday", "Quebec to impose 'electroshock' curfew for 4 weeks, starting Saturday", "Quebec shuts down as Premier François Legault declares an emergency", "COVID-19 live updates: Quebec now has 35 cases, orders further closures", "Legault ordonne la fermeture de lieux de rassemblement", "La SAQ ferme ses succursales le dimanche | Coronavirus", "COVID-19: Ontario and Quebec order non-essential businesses closed after spike in coronavirus totals", "Most Quebec stores will close on Sundays as coronavirus cases mount", "Coronavirus: Quebec deaths climb to 94, shutdown of province extends until May", "Quebec government declares residential construction essential service", "Pandémie de la COVID-19 - Les établissements scolaires et les services de garde rouvriront progressivement et de façon non obligatoire à partir du 11 mai", "Pandémie de la COVID-19 - Modalités de réouverture de certains secteurs de l'économie", "Pandémie de la COVID-19 - La vice-première ministre, Geneviève Guilbault, annonce le retrait graduel de certains points de contrôle dans les régions du Québec", "Authorization of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine with English-only Carton and Vial Labels", "Conférence de presse de M. François Legault, premier ministre", "Authorization of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine with English-only Vial and Carton Labels", "Quebec receives first shipment of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine", "Stratégie de vaccination contre la COVID-19 : report de la 2e dose en contexte de pénurie", "Pfizer could withdraw vaccine supply from Quebec if two-dose schedule not followed: Legault", "COVID-19 vaccination effort ramps up in Quebec, doses available in 21 locations provincewide", "Isolement: Québec crée une aide pour des travailleurs", "COVID-19 : un répit de six mois pour le remboursement des dettes d'études | Coronavirus", "COVID-19: une vingtaine d'entreprises d'ici font front commun pour encourager l'achat local", "Quebec urging consumers to buy local online as businesses remain closed due to COVID-19", "Des " primes COVID-19 " de 8 % ou 4 % pour des travailleurs de la santé au Québec | Coronavirus", "Québec bonifie la rémunération de milliers de travailleurs dans la santé", "Les ambulanciers auront leur juste prime COVID-19", "Aide aux entreprises : Québec débloque 150 millions de dollars | Coronavirus", "Les dirigeants d'Hydro-Québec renoncent à leurs augmentations", "EN DIRECT – Débrouillage du signal de la chaîne RDI pour suivre l'évolution du coronavirus | Coronavirus", "Quebec bans visits in long-term care facilities, hospitals and calls on seniors to stay home", "Rassemblements : Québec " recommande " un maximum de trois ménages | Coronavirus", "Masks now mandatory in all indoor public places across Quebec", "Quebec unveils regional alert system to measure state of COVID-19 throughout province", "Progressive regional alert and intervention system (COVID-19)", "Montreal, two other Quebec regions to face stiffer restrictions under orange alert level", "Arrêté numéro 2020-004 de la ministre de la Santé et des Services sociaux en date du 15 mars, (2020) 152 G.O.Q.

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