As part of the EU global response to the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic, the EU has donated medical equipment to reinforce the country’s health system. It is important that you rely only on authoritative sources to get updated information on the COVID-19 outbreak. Today the EU Ambassador Andrew Jacobs and NGO and civil society partners handed over samples of the personal protective equipment to the Mini. Tackling it therefore requires strong international leadership, guided by a sense of shared responsibility and solidarity. Read the full press release, Tackling Coronavirus Disinformation - Getting the facts right: Read the factsheet, {"service":"smk","type":"single","id":"1270686706027696128","display_user":true,"display_user_pic":true,"auto_expand_photo":true,"auto_expand_video":true,"render":true}, The objective of this report is to provide a snapshot overview of the current trends and insights into disinformation activities related to COVID-19/Coronavirus. This is thanks to the provision of personal protective equipment in the framework of EU-funded Border Management in Central Asia Programme (BOMCA) , which includes 830 protective suits, 1 000 antiseptic sprays, and 15 000 facemasks. Parmi les différentes actions, figurent la composition d’un titre musical et la réalisation d’un clip, financé par l’Union européenne. TEAMEUROPE has mobilised EUR 36 billion to halt the spread of the virus and mitigate spill-over effects on economic and social stability in partner countries. Good disaster risk governance can be measured in lives saved, reduced numbers of disaster-affected people and reduced economic losses. L'Ambassadeur du Portugal à São Tomé-et-Príncipe, M. Luís Gaspar da Silva, et l'Ambassadrice de l'Union européenne, Mme Rosário Bento Pais, représentée pour cet événement par son Attaché de coopération à São Tomé-et-Príncipe, Albert Losseau, vont remettre ce mercredi 29 juillet au Ministre de la Santé, M. Edgar Neves, dans son Ministère, un premier lot d'équipements médicaux composé de protections individuelles, d'équipements de laboratoire et divers médicaments. Disability is an issue that concerns everyone. Stranded European Union citizens left Nairobi on Thursday in a special Ethiopian Airways flight to Frankfurt via Addis, organised by the EU Delegation to Kenya. The EU funds have now secured the employment of about 200 medical and administrative staff as well as new equipment to effectively help people in need across Serbia. It will help immunise 300 million children around the world and finance vaccine stockpiles to shield against outbreaks of infectious diseases. Depuis le 1er août, les vols Kenya Airways entre Nairobi et la Tanzanie (Dar Es Salam / Kilimandjaro / Zanzibar) sont suspendus. This is the most affected area in El Salvador, on health and economic impact due to Covid-19. Les frontières ont rouvert le 15 août. Les frontières sont fermées, ainsi que les écoles et les lieux de culte. This ad hoc assistance - of around 330,000 euros - comes on top of 66 million euros secured by the EU to help the country to mitigate the overall effects of the corona crisis and of additional 160 million euros that will be provided in loans for addressing fiscal challenges. As from the 26 December 2020, the current measures in order to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus will be tightened again. Today, the European Commission has granted a conditional marketing authorisation (CMA) for the COVID‑19 vaccine developed by Moderna, the second COVID-19 vaccine authorised in the EU. Suva, 7, July 2020 – A new agreement, worth EUR 6 million (Vatu 0.7 billion), was signed today between the European Union (EU) and the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu to improve food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations living in remote and isolated parts of the country. Misleading healthcare information, dangerous hoaxes with false claims conspiracy theories and consumer fraud endanger public health. To support partner countries in the fight against the coronavirus and its consequences, the European Union has mobilised a “Team Europe” package of over €800 million for the ASEAN region. Given the current emergency situation created by COVID-19 in Timor-Leste, the EU funded project will also support the National Parliament, Ministry of State Administration and the Municipal Authorities to strengthen their response to the pandemic, particularly at municipal level. And Europe has made a significant contribution. In an article published with several European think tanks, I sketch how COVID-19 could magnify three global developments. “We produce and deliver around 100 face shields for medical workers across Vojvodina,” says Professor Vladimir Todorović, manager of Idea Laboratory (iDEAlab) the University in Novi Sad. C'est également le cas pour les vols avec la Corée du Sud qui sont passés de 9 à 15 dont huit opérés par des compagnies chinoises et 7 par des compagnies surd-coréennes. En Lituanie, un auto-confinement pendant 14 jours (quatorzaine) est obligatoire (en provenance des pays de plus de 16 cas Covid-19 pour 100 000, dont la France). La Délégation de l’Union européenne en République centrafricaine conduit actuellement une campagne de sensibilisation sur le COVID-19. The main topic of the video conference was the exchange of views between the EU ministers and representatives of the Member States on the new package of specific Cohesion Policy measures the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (CRII) as an integral part of the European Coordinated Response to mitigate the economic consequences of coronavirus outbreak. As the conflict in eastern Ukraine enters seventh year, the European Commission announces today €13 million to support the most vulnerable people affected by the ongoing hostilities. Today, the first contract the European Commission has negotiated on behalf of the EU Member States with a pharmaceutical company entered into force following the formal signature between AstraZeneca and the Commission. 07/04/2020 - Tackling the global pandemic requires an unprecedented mobilisation at all levels. Based in Paris, it has international offices (Berlin, Brussels, Geneva, Madrid, Stockholm, Tripoli, Tunis, Vienna and Washington DC) and more than 150 correspondents in … Today marks the International Roma Day and, despite the world having its eyes set on the COVID-19 outbreak, it is important to take stock of the persisting problems that the Roma population faces across Europe. In the absence of a SARS-CoV-2-specific vaccine or an approved antiviral, a number of antivirals are currently being evaluated for their therapeutic effectiveness. Ceux venant de pays classés orange, dont la France, le Maroc et l'Espagne, devront présenter un test PCR négatif fait moins de 72 heures avant le départ, a indiqué le ministère tunisien de la Santé. Two chartered flights organized under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism repatriate EU citizens from Barbados and other countries. A sworn statement certifying that they do not have any symptoms of a COVID-19 infection and that they are not aware of having been in contact with anyone confirmed as having COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to their journey. Mediante esta acción, se alcanzarán de manera directa cerca de 1200 personas. Beyond the EU vaccination plan started on 27 December 2020, the European Union is committed to ensuring that everyone who needs a vaccine gets it, anywhere in the world and not only at home. Today it agreed on a temporary derogation to its Rules of Procedure to make it easier to take decisions by written procedure. It is hard to believe quite how much the world has changed since we last met. With a grant from the European Union of USD 1.3 million, five international NGOs have teamed up with local civil society organisations (CSOs) to provide support to the Timorese population, in particular to vulnerable households in eight municipalities. Pour qui ? As EU, we face rougher seas and risk getting caught in the cross-currents of major powers telling us to “pick a side”. The cargo includes medicine, as well as laboratory and personal protection equipment for health professionals, to support Guinea-Bissau's response to COVID-19 in providing the population with better healthcare. Alors que Donald Trump a déjà interdit aux Européens d'entrer aux Etats-Unis, il a la fermeture temporaire de la frontière entre les Etats-Unis et le Canada pour tous les déplacements "non-essentiels" vendredi 20 mars. 14/05/2020 - The coronavirus pandemic will very likely deteriorate our security environment in the years to come, increasing the need for a stronger European Union security and defence policy, and for a stronger Union in the world. Le président Barrow a prolongé le 20 mai l'état d'urgence dans le pays. Please enable it to continue. This is a joint initiative of the European Union and the Metropolitan Governance Project to provide timely relief. Following last week's delivery to Italy, more batches of FFP2 protective masks are being distributed this weekend to Spain, Italy and Croatia from rescEU - the first ever common European reserve of medical equipment set up last month to help countries affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Depuis mars dernier, les voyageurs arrivant au Canada, qu'ils soient Canadiens ou non, sont soumis à une quarantaine obligatoire de quatorze jours afin d'éviter la propagation du coronavirus. Annual report on acute food security and nutrition published today The newly-designed control material is being used by laboratories in the EU to check the correct functioning of the coronavirus tests. How different will depend on the choices we make today. Austria has also offered over 3,000 litres of disinfectant to Italy via the Mechanism. Elle a tué des dizaines de milliers de personnes, met à rude épreuve les populations touchées, multiplie les demandes de protection sociale, restreint l’activité des entreprises et perturbe les chaînes d’approvisionnement. Le Portugal durcit ses règles sanitaires à partir de mardi 15 septembre : le nombre de personnes pouvant se réunir passera de 20 à 10 dans l'ensemble du pays, comme cela est déjà le cas à Lisbonne et dans sa banlieue depuis fin juin. The new rules are expected to enter into force by the end of the week. L'espace aérien est donc toujours fermé pour les vols commerciaux. Follow updates on the latest coordinated measures to contain the virus and its economic impact inside and outside EU borders. It was a long and intense discussion among European leaders, after which we passed a very clear message: that the European Union and its Member States will do everything they can, everything necessary to overcome the coronavirus crisis. Le Premier ministre australien Scott Morrison a ainsi fait savoir qu'aucun étranger non-résident ne serait admis à compter de vendredi soir sur l'immense île-continent. We don’t yet know when the crisis will end. L'état d'urgence a été déclaré depuis le 8 avril. EU ambassadors today agreed amendments to the regulation on the fund for aid to the most deprived (FEAD). ", EU and its Members States launch Team Europe in Mexico, European Union scales up its response to COVID-19 in Timor-Leste to ease hardships faced by the most vulnerable, And Daan Corona *: Protect yourself and others, The EU and Central Asia coordinate efforts on environment and climate amidst the pandemic, European Humanitarian Air Bridge arrives in Sudan as part of the EU’s Global Response to tackle COVID 19, European Union provides food packages to 200 vulnerable households in Dili, Timor-Leste, Lutte contre le covid-19 : l’Union européenne appuie l’hôpital général Saint Joseph de Limete, Unveiling the Council of Europe’s new six-month priorities: protecting public health in full respect of human rights and investing in future generations, EU launches new project to support children and young people in the face of the COVID-19 health emergency, EU projects repurpose over 330,000 euros to help North Macedonia respond better to the corona challenge, Online Interactive Meeting for the Central Asia National Focal Points organized by the Regional Secretariat to highlight the COVID-19 pandemic support program, COVID-19: Team Europe announce €178 million (around 737 billion UGX) support to Uganda, A tribute to peacekeepers and marking women’s essential role to peace, Raising Awareness of Migration and COVID 19 through Graffiti and Street Art in Accra, A book from the times of corona- Diplomats united in isolation, Journée internationale de la diversité biologique : L’action européenne pour la protection de la biodiversité à Maurice, Unión Europea y Estados Miembros apoyan en Nicaragua a poblaciones vulnerables frente al COVID-19, L'Union européenne soutient les artistes centrafricains pour la riposte contre le Coronavirus, EU civilian mission donates equipment to Palestinian Civil Police to help the fight against COVID-19. : COVID-19 crisis has adversely affected the economies worldwide, with tourism being the worst affected of all major economic sectors. A team of EU-funded researchers in Cambridge University has launched an app that records voice, breathing and coughs – data, which has the potential to assist the development of machine learning algorithms that could make it easier to diagnose COVID-19. The majority of these flights was supported by the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), an instrument designed to enhance the protection of EU citizens in crisis situations. It addresses short-term emergency needs as well as the longer-term structural impacts on societies and economies, thus reducing the risk of destabilisation. Sao Tomé, le 28 avril 2020 – La flambée de maladie liée au COVID 19 est devenue une pandémie mondiale. The EU is taking swift action to make available money to help tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, in a pandemic, all countries are taking steps to return their citizens who are in other countries. Le 25 août 2020 - Les maladies ne connaissent pas de frontières – la propagation rapide de la pandémie COVID-19 l'a encore montré clairement. The envisaged contract with Valneva would provide for the possibility for all EU Member States to purchase together 30 million doses, and they could further purchase up to 30 million more doses. The EU and the UN also aim to increase participation of women in peace operations. La frontière terrestre avec l’Égypte a également été fermée. (RE)lire : Coronavirus : le Maroc retiré de la liste des voyageurs autorisés à entrer dans l'UE, en pleine hausse des cas de contamination This reminds us to promote the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities and to take action for their inclusion in all aspects of society and development. The Border Troops of the State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan are now better equipped to respond to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The EU works closely with the UN on peacekeeping and civilian, police and military crisis management, to enhance security both inside and outside the EU. La mesure entrera en vigueur jeudi 19 mars au soir à 23H59 (jeudi 10H59 GMT). Parmi les nombreuses activités déployées figure une chanson enregistrée par un collectif de six artistes vedettes - Vieux Farka Touré, Keltoum Waletr, Ben Zabo, Naba Traoré, Petit Goro et Ami Yérélowo - issus de la jeune génération. The report draws on open sources, does not provide a comprehensive or complete overview and focusses primarily on the external dimension, in line with the European External Action Service (EEAS) mandate. In this context, it is important to distinguish the very different forms of mis- and disinformation, as well as other forms of information manipulation. L’ambassadeur de l'Union européenne en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), Jean-Marc Châtaigner, a remis ce mardi 28 avril, au ministre de la santé publique, Dr. Eteni Longondo, un lot de matériel et de médicaments pour appuyer la riposte contre le coronavirus qui touche actuellement sept des vingt-six provinces dont la capitale Kinshasa, l’épicentre. They will make it easier for member states, partner organisations and other parties involved to access the fund and protect their staff involved in distributing the aid. The Ambassador and Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation for the Pacific, His Excellency Sujiro Seam handed over Irrigation Systems, Water Tank, Disaster Risk Reduction Kits and Village Development Plans to communities in Labasa and Savusavu, as well as visited EU-funded projects during his visit to the northern division last week. Today the Commission recommends to Schengen Member States and Schengen Associated States to lift internal border controls by 15 June 2020 and to prolong the temporary restriction on non-essential travel into the EU until 30 June 2020; and sets out an approach to progressively lifting the restriction afterwards. Although the coronavirus and its implications are still high on our agenda, today’s discussion is already an indication that we are gradually returning to core foreign policy issues. Le ministre guinéen de la Sécurité, Albert Damantang Camara, n'a pu être joint par l'AFP pour expliquer cette décision, mais un responsable gouvernemental a affirmé sous le couvert de l'anonymat que les frontières avec ces deux pays avaient été fermées pour des raisons de sécurité, sans autre précision. The EU and 15 other members of the WTO today decided on an arrangement that will allow them to bring appeals and solve trade disputes among them despite the current paralysis of the WTO Appellate Body. "We are facing an info-demic with dangerous impact on public health. We're sorry but reopeneu doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Les frontières terrestres du pays sont également fermées. Elles sont également cruciales dans la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains, le terrorisme et l'immigration clandestine. Une action de l’ONG Terre des hommes a permis, à date, de sortir de prison 37 mineurs et de placer les plus vulnérables dans des foyers d’accueil à Conakry, Labé et Nzérékoré. Ce samedi 4 avril, un vol Brussels Airlines spécialement affrété pour le trajet Abidjan-Conakry-Bruxelles a permis de rapatrier 81 ressortissants européens de passage en Côte d’Ivoire, avec à bord beaucoup de citoyens allemands et belges mais aussi des passagers de dix autres Etats de l’UE. Today we observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The Danish Health Authority has provided information in multiple languages to help tourists in Denmark during the coronavirus period. This reinforcement to the medical system and other services of Serbia comes at the request of Serbia as the need to protect medical personnel, critical staff and to fight for the lives of patients in critical condition is rising. Les voyageurs doivent se soumettre à un dépistage et télécharger l'application Togo Safe, pour permettre la géolocalisation des voyageurs après leur admission sur le territoire togolais. A partir de cette date, les Tchèques seront également autorisés à voyager, y compris vers des pays beaucoup plus touchés par le virus, mais où celui-ci est en nette régression, comme notamment la Belgique, la France, l'Italie, l'Espagne. The outbreak and rapid spread of Covid-19 have stretched global public health systems beyond their limits and caused widespread economic, social and humanitarian damage. The support of the European Union focuses on: Like many global challenges, coronavirus does not respect national boundaries. We will do it together, in solidarity and for the benefit and protection of our citizens. t is crucial that banks continue financing households and corporates, including SMEs experiencing temporary difficulties amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They discussed the coronavirus pandemic, and HR/VP Borrell underlined the importance of cooperation and international solidarity. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, held a Leaders' meeting via video conference on 30 June 2020. The European Union has taken a series of concrete actions to support efforts by Uzbekistan government in dealing with COVID crisis. Les frontières sont toujours fermées. Other topics such as the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights or enhanced children protection, youth empowerment and the protection of vulnerable groups’ rights are also featured on the agenda of the new presidency. The European Union strongly supports the appeal by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres for an immediate global ceasefire in light of the global coronavirus pandemic. Le ministère de la Santé lituanien met à jour chaque semaine la liste de ces pays que l'on peut trouver en anglais ici. Coronavirus : le Maroc retiré de la liste des voyageurs autorisés à entrer dans l'UE, en pleine hausse des cas de contamination, : la frontière entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis désormais fermée, Coronavirus : l'Arabie saoudite suspend la Omra, le petit pélerinage musulman, jusqu'à nouvel ordre, Coronavirus en Équateur : des Européens bloqués de retour en France. On World Press Freedom Day, we pay tribute to the essential role of journalism in upholding online and offline freedom of expression in democratic societies and fostering transparency and accountability. Depuis le 1er août, l’espace aérien togolais est de nouveau ouvert aux vols commerciaux domestiques et internationaux. Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China. WeCAPS (Western and Central Africa Port Security) is an European Union project that aims to reinforce the safety and security of ports in West and Central Africa. This is a concrete follow-up of the video conference of Defence Ministers of the EU member States on 6 April. Since mid-March, the EU Delegation to Vietnam is liaising with the authorities and is actively supporting and coordinating the member states in the organization of repatriation flights. Today an international alliance of UN, governmental, and nongovernmental agencies working to address the root causes of extreme hunger have released a new edition of their annual Global Report on Food Crises. JOINT EU / FAO / OCHA / UNICEF / USAID / WFP NEWS RELEASE Messieurs les Ministres et Chefs de délégation, Monsieur le Secrétaire Général de la Commission de l’océan Indien et son équipe. Dans le cadre de la réponse à la crise du COVID-19 en République Centrafricaine, la Maison des Services de la Société civile a déjà organisé 29 sessions de formation et de sensibilisation sur les messages clés liés au COVID-19, dont 21 au sein de la Maison (145 leaders associatifs formés). As High Representative Borrell said: “This is European solidarity in action”. Team Europe in Mexico foresees an initial fund of 8 million euros to support the fight against coronavirus and its consequences, with a focus on the most vulnerable. National armed forces in the EU have played an important role in helping fellow EU Member States tackle the pandemic. Libreville, le 14 avril 2020 – Suite au lancement le 27 novembre 2019 par le Gouvernement du Gabon et la DUE du projet «Cap sur l’autonomisation des jeunes au Gabon» financé par l’UE à hauteur d’environ 3,2 milliards FCFA (5 millions d’euros), la DUE a procédé le 1er avril à la signature d’une subvention avec JA GABON, choisie par le Gouvernement gabonais pour la mise en oeuvre de ce projet. The European Commission has adopted today a package of proposals that aims to increase trade between the European Union and neighbouring countries in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) region, thereby contributing to the economic recovery following the coronavirus outbreak. Libreville, le 19 mai 2020 - Face à la pandémie du COVID-19, le projet de l’UE « Transport plus sûr des marchandises dangereuses par route et par voie ferrée dans la région de la Façade atlantique africaine » (SECTRANS AAF), mis en œuvre par Expertise France, met à disposition de tous les pays partenaires francophones un module d’apprentissage à distance visant à lutter contre la pandémie COVID-19. August 6th 2020, Port of Spain: The European Union Delegation to Trinidad and Tobago today announced the award of a grant of TT$1.7M (approx. Coming back from Africa, I would like to emphasise how much COVID-19 is reshaping the entire world economy. The EU Delegation in Colombia together with the Member States launched the #TeamEurope campaign. On Libya, it is sad to say that the situation does not improve. Alianza-ActionAid, con el apoyo de la Unión Europea en Colombia, trabajan por el fortalecimiento de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en departamentos como Nariño y el Valle del Cauca. This is why the EU has been at the forefront of the development of a vaccine and will continue working at multilateral level to ensure fair access to it. Plusieurs pays de transit restent fermés ou imposent leurs propres mesures sanitaires, de plus l’espace Schengen maintient des restrictions à l’entrée des citoyens tanzaniens. The European Commission welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament and the Council of the proposal to postpone by one year the date of application of the Medical Devices Regulation. Given the urgency of the situation, both proposals were approved without amendments. This pandemic is putting our societies under serious strain. Increased socio-economic stress and confinement at home is a major risk factor for increased violence against women and girls. Please note that we have applied regional exemptions within countries if the evidence suggests it is safe to do so. Les voyageurs arrivant au Malawi doivent être en possession d'un certificat attestant d’un résultat négatif au test COVID-19. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the entire world. EU ambassadors today reached a political agreement on SURE, a temporary scheme which can provide up to €100 billion of loans under favourable terms to member states. That means 66 people in every 100,000 have died from Covid-19. Today, the Commission, in cooperation with the President of the European Council, has put forward a European roadmap to phase-out the containment measures due to the coronavirus outbreak. On 28th of May 2020, within the framework of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) Initiative, the CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat for Central Asia, based in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, and chaired by the Chairman of the State Committee of Industrial Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Bakhtiyor Gulyamov, held an interactive meeting for the National Focal Points of Central Asia. On International Workers Day on 1 May, the EU’s Myan Ku Emergency Cash Fund transfers the first payments to garment workers who have been suspended or terminated due to the impact the COVID-19 crisis has on Myanmar’s garment sector. Libreville le 9 juin 2020 - L'Alliance Afrique-Europe pour l'investissement durable et l'emploi cherche à exploiter pleinement le potentiel de l'intégration économique et du commerce. The European Commission received its first preliminary application for financial support from the EU Solidarity Fund from Italy to address the coronavirus outbreak and its effects. This list will continue to be reviewed and, as the case may be, updated every two weeks. At the same time, we already know that the scale, the speed and the impact of the economic crisis is unprecedented in modern times. Aucune quarantaine n'est requise sauf pour les voyageurs en provenance de zones à risques, comme, en ce qui concerne la France, les territoires d'Outremer. Around 6000 Europeans were in Nepal for the March trekking season. The fighting continues and is even increasing. The EU is committed to actively contribute to this objective. (L to R): French Ambassador Emmanuelle Blatmann, Ambassador Robert van den dool, EU Head of Delegation and  Swedish Ambassador Hans Henric Lundqvist at Khartoum Airport. Access to vaccines everywhere, for everyone who needs them, will enable the world to overcome this pandemic and avoid another.It will also help rebuild communities impacted by the pandemic in a fair and just way. 29/09/2020 - Last week, I took part with my colleague Vice-President Dubravka Šuica in an event organised jointly with UNICEF. However, with progress comes the risk of “vaccine nationalism”. The European Commission today announced the mobilisation of €84.26 million in support of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in four African countries: Benin, Central African Republic, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. L’UE dans une approche de coopération internationale multilatérale s’est fermement engagée à répondre à l’urgence. Les citoyens en provenance ou de retour de l'Hexagone seront soumis à une quarantaine obligatoire de dix jours. As part of the EU's global response to the coronavirus outbreak, the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis has mobilised an additional €55 million for refugees from Syria and vulnerable persons in Jordan and Lebanon to fight the pandemic. State media in Cuba revealed that Cubans on the island are currently participating in Phase II clinical trials of a mystery Chinese coronavirus vaccine candidate in development with the Iranian Islamic regime, the Spanish newspaper Diario de Cuba reported Tuesday. December 01, 15:09. Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea, H.E. Soon after their arrival, the nation went into complete lockdown due to the Corona virus. It will provide critical and targeted support in key areas such as health, water, sanitation and hygiene. L’UE dans une approche de coopération internationale multilatérale s’est fermement engagée à répondre à l’urgence. It will provide financial assistance, in the form of loans granted on favourable terms from the EU to Member States, of up to €100 billion in total.

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