An exploration camp at Millenium (Cameco). Exploration expenditure to the end of 2012 was C$ 40.5 million, and actively continues in 2015 though with no change in resource figures. The government has also stated that they will "ensure that all uranium deposits will remain undeveloped". Mines d'uranium. Le groupe nucléaire français proposait depuis 2009 d’ouvrir une mine d’uranium sur le site de Kiggavik, au Nunavut, le territoire autonome des Inuit dans le Grand Nord du Canada. Au cœur du Canada, la mine d’uranium de Cigar Lake a été mise en service en mars dernier, 9 ans après le début des travaux sur ce site. Rio Tinto does not list any figure in its 2015 report. Cameco was continuing its underground drilling reserve replacement program in areas of interest north and northeast of the current mine workings. Tailings will remain at McClean Lake. Ce projet est vivement contesté par une partie de la population locale et par … Bien souvent les mines d’uranium sont implantées proches de sites habités par des peuples autochtones. On 23 March 2020 Orano Canada decided to suspend production at the McClean Lake mill in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Elle renferme plus … Ressources Strateco est principalement impliqué dans lâ exploration uranifère et dans le développement du projet dâ uranium de Matoush avec comme objectif de devenir la première mine dâ uranium au Québec. The Arrow deposit has 81,590 tonnes U3O8 (69,190 tU) indicated resources at average 5.83%U, mostly in a very high-grade part of it grading 16.1%. Azimut Exploration has committed C$42 million to uranium exploration, mainly for the Katavic project in Quebec's northern Nunavik region and other prospects in the Ungava Bay region further north. The Gryphon deposit discovered in 2014 about 3 km northwest of Phoenix was upgraded to 23,860 tU indicated resources at 1.44%U, with cut-off grade of 0.17%U. There are extra requirements for pumping capacity – now 2500 m3/h, and ground refrigeration. Mines at Rabbit Lake, Cluff Lake and Key Lake started up in 1975, 1980 and 1983, which up until 2000 accounted for most of Canada's uranium production (14,223 tonnes of U3O8 in 1998). The licence was later renewed to 2027. This is under Project CLEANS (Cleanup of Abandoned Northern Sites) – a multi-year project funded by the governments of Saskatchewan and Canada. Denison is drilling its Hook-Carter prospect in the Patterson Lake corridor. In January 2018 the NI 43-101 compliant indicated resources for the Phoenix deposits were confirmed as 27,000 tU at an average grade of 16.22%U, with cut-off grade 0.68%U. Areva Resources applied to increase the mill capacity to 10,900 tonnes U3O8 (9240 tU) per year, and in May 2016 CNSC licensed this. Today, the provincial government actively supports uranium mining, and all new Saskatchewan uranium mines have international ISO 14001 environmental certification. La … Orano holds 22%. The policy provided for exemptions in situations where Canadian partners cannot be found, and applied to uranium production only. La production d’uranium au Canada est passée de 9 000 tonnes environ par année au début des années 1990 à 12 920 tonnes par année en 1998. [3][4][6], The ban on private prospecting was lifted in 1947. Usine de concentration de M… Pour en extraire ce riche minerai, des techniques innovantes ont dû être employées. The worldwide production of uranium in 2019 amounted to 53,656 tonnes. The deposit remains open. ALX Uranium holds a 20% share. [Back], Uranium webpage on Natural Resources Canada website ( Orano reports that its and Cameco's Waterbury Cigar Lake project aims to discover an extension of the nearby Cigar Lake orebody. Patricia Thomas connaît plutôt bien cette région, qui abrite toutes les mines d'uranium actives au Canada - cinq au total. Ce processus de concentration produit une poudre d'uranium naturel appelée yellowcake. Fission 3.0 has the Clearwater West project adjacent to Patterson Lake South, and Canex Energy is farming into this. Michelin and nearby Jacques Lake are the main deposits, with minor amounts in Rainbow and three others. All-in cost for Phoenix production was C$11.57/lb (about US$ 9.00) and for Gryphon C$29.67 (about US$ 23.10). Cameco is the majority owner and operator of McArthur River mine (69.8%) as well as the Key Lake Mill (Orano is a 30.2% and 16.7% partner, respectively). Canadian Nuclear Association website ( However, in 2014 Mitsubishi showed 33.5% of Kiggavik being held by JCU, an equal three-way JV among Mitsubishi Corp, Itochu and OURD. The decision was made in conjunction with Orano's McClean Lake uranium mill. Hathor was subject to a takeover bid from Cameco but agreed to another from Rio Tinto, valuing the company then at C$ 654 million. While exploration has concentrated on northern Saskatchewan, new prospects extend to Labrador and Nova Scotia in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec province, Nunavut Territory in the far north, and Ontario's Elliott Lake area. The licensed capacity of the Key Lake mill was 8,500 t/yr U3O8, but in 2015 CNSC approved an increase in mill production to 11,350 t/yr U3O8 and the same for the McArthur River mine itself. Postwar, uranium exploration gathered pace when the wartime ban on private prospecting was lifted in 1947. Similar work has been undertaken around Elliott Lake in Ontario, attending to 12 mines and ten mill sites, though many of these were rehabilitated in the 1980s-90s by companies which continued in business, notably Rio Algom and Denison. Initial treatment of the ore is at Cigar Lake, with average slurry grade of about 15% U3O8 for shipment to McClean Lake. "It should be recalled that on the basis of extremely detailed, rigorous environmental and social impact studies, Strateco received approvals for the underground exploration phase of the Matoush project from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the federal Minister of the Environment and the federal administrator of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, as well as a positive recommendation from the provincial evaluation committee," the company said. [4] However, Nova Scotia has since enacted legislation making uranium exploration and mining illegal. La demande en uranium commence lors du lancement, en 1942, du projet Manhattan, un programme d'armes nucléaires des forces alliées. A burst of exploration in the 1970s resulted in major discoveries in the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan, in Proterozoic unconformity deposits. Uranium in Saskatchewan series of fact sheets available on Cameco website ( 0,05: ST Irak: mine lieu principal propriétaire année de découverte inauguration % d'uranium Michelin has rare earths. L'exploitation de cinq mines d'uranium à ciel ouvert et la concentration de leur minerai sont terminées. Toutes les mines d'uranium exploitées au Canada sont situées au Saskatchewan. La plupart des industries de production d'uranium sont mises sur pied au début des années 50, surtout aux États-Unis, au Canada et en Afrique du Sud. A 480-metre-deep underground mine was developed in very poor ground conditions – the orebody is actually in the soft Athabasca sandstone. Canada's first recorded discovery of uranium came in the 1930s 3 when prospector Gilbert LaBine discovered pitchblende, a major uranium bearing mineral, on the shores of the Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories. In Northwest Territories, Cameco has the prospective Boomerang project in the southwest Thelon Basin. The Michelin deposit is in Eastern Canada's Central Mineral Belt, in Labrador. Production at about 2500 tU/yr is envisaged. OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and International Atomic Energy Agency, 'Red Books', Appendix 1: Brief History of Uranium Mining in Canada, © 2016-2020 World Nuclear Association, registered in England and Wales, number 01215741. In December 2015 China’s CGN Mining Company Ltd agreed to buy 20% of Fission for C$82 million. It followed one year's work by a commission set up by BAPE in May 2014 to study the environmental and social impacts of uranium exploration and mining and conduct public hearings. A dock site would be at Baker Lake. The Midwest project is being managed by Orano, which owns 69.16%. Orano (then Areva Resources) recommissioned the mill in 2013, and first deliveries from Cigar Lake arrived in March 2014. L'exploitation de l'uranium au Kazakhstan débute en 1943 [2] dans le cadre du projet de bombe atomique soviétique. [6][7] In the early 1960s, military demand for uranium declined and in 1965 Canada imposed a policy of only selling uranium for peaceful purposes. Depuis 2008, aucune extraction classique n'a été réalisée à McClean Lake. The decision was made in conjunction with Cameco's decision to suspend production at the Cigar Lake mine. Mining of Sue E deposit 2005-08 and Sue B in 2008 over 2008-10 provided ore for the mill until mid-2010 when it was shut down and put onto care and maintenance until it was upgraded to treat the Cigar Lake ore. Orano Canada et Cameco Corporationsont les titulaires de permis pour les installations d'extraction et de concentration d'uranium en exploitation. UEX is also exploring the Horseshoe and Raven deposits at Hidden Bay in the eastern Athabasca basin (5 km from Rabbit Lake and 12 km from McClean Lake). It is basement-hosted in igneous rock starting 100 m deep and extending down for 800 m. A preliminary economic assessment in mid-2017 put the capital cost of the mine, plant and infrastructure at C$1.66 billion, for average annual production of 7130 tU, but with very low operating cost. Several proved to be viable deposits, and by 1959, 23 mines with 19 treatment plants were in operation in five districts. The East Zone is a series of moderately-dipping stacked, parallel lenses (greater than 0.5% U3O8). Inferred resources were 8250 t U3O8 at 1.1%. Indicated resources for the project in October 2018 were 39,300 tU, 80% of which were mineable by open pit and graded 1.97%U. Remote control raise boring methods are used to mine the ore, which is then trucked 80 km south to be milled at Key Lake, site of the closed mine that once produced 15% of the world's uranium. 1. ALX Uranium Corp is farming into Orano Canada's Close Lake Uranium Project in eastern Athabasca Basin, with the right to reach 51%. A prefeasibility study reported in April 2019 envisaged a hybrid open-pit and undergound operation producing an average 5700 tU per year over the first five years. Cameco has 57.4%, Orano 23.1% and Japan-Canada Uranium subsidiary JCU (Canada) Exploration 19.4%. On 23 March 2020 Cameco decided to suspend production at Cigar Lake due to the threat of coronavirus. An offtake agreement will entitle CGN to up to 35% of Patterson Lake South production at a 5% discount on prevailing spot market prices. The ownership structures then in place were “grandfathered” from the new policy and were able to continue. Data: company sources. Domestic production in tonnes of uranium (as opposed to U3O8) is given in Note a. However, this period marked the end of cost-plus production for export, and over the next few years the number of mines declined to four. Fission Uranium Corp is exploring Patterson Lake South on the southwest margin of the Athabasca Basin, 90 km south of Cluff Lake, incorporating the Triple R deposit. The Millennium deposit (now 70% owned by Cameco, 30% JCU) has indicated resources of 23,100 tonnes of 4.5% grade U3O8 and 7575 tonnes of 2.1% grade inferred resources, in basement rock, below the soft sandstone. gtag('js', new Date()); A preliminary economic assessment for Hathor had suggested low production costs over an 11-year mine life producing 1900 tU per year. This is along strike and about 2km from Midwest A deposit and contiguous with Roughrider. Denison Mines has a 25.17% stake and OURD Canada 5.67%. At the Key Lake mill, which has been modified for the McArthur River ore, the ore is blended with 'special waste rock' and processed to produce U3O8. [3][4][6] In 1959, Canadian uranium exports were valued at $330 million, more than for any other mineral exported from Canada that year. An alternative scenario with all mining underground is economically attractive but reduces production from 35,000 tU in the base case to 31,300 tU. In the 1960s and 1970s most northern sites were subject to minimal clean-up and rehabilitation and the operating companies are long defunct. Canada’s Non-Resident Ownership Policy (NROP) for uranium projects had, since 1987, restricted foreign ownership of uranium mines to a maximum of 49%. [3], Canada's first recorded discovery of uranium came in the 1930s[clarification needed] 3[clarification needed][4][5] when prospector Gilbert LaBine discovered pitchblende, a major uranium bearing mineral, on the shores of the Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories. In September 2018 a pre-feasibility study gave probable reserves of 23,000 tU for Phoenix at 16.2%U and 19,000 tU for Gryphon at 1.5%U. Another UEX project is Christie Lake, 9 km northeast of MacArthur River and along strike, where some high-grade intersections have been made. Inferred resources are 47,000 tU at 1.1%U. Au Québec, aucune mine d’uranium n’est en production; nous en sommes toujours au stade de l’exploration. * On 5 December 2013, Strateco filed a motion to invalidate the decision rendered by Quebec’s Minister of Sustainable Development, the Environment, Wildlife and Parks, whereby he refused to deliver the certificate of authorization for the underground exploration phase of the Matoush project. Denison says it needs a $60/lb uranium price to justify development. Usine de raffinerie de Port Hope. Canada • Les personnes vivant à proximité des mines et usines de concentration d'uranium au Canada ne sont pas exposées à des doses de radon supérieures à la dose de radon que reçoit le Canadien moyen 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 02468 10 12 14 16 Concentration de radon (Bq/m 3) Distance de la source (km) Référence + 2 écarts types Uranium City is one of the most unique, and beautiful, places in the province With a population anywhere from 70-200 people (depending on who you talk to), Uranium City doesn’t really qualify as a ghost town. In August 2018 Paladin announced that EDF Claimants held a 50% participating interest in the project, following resolution of legal proceedings. La mine de McArthur River y a des teneurs de 19 à 25 %. Les derniers employés réguliers de la mine d'uranium de McArthur River et de l'usine de concentration d'uranium de Key Lake, dans le nord de la Saskatchewan, quitteront les deux mines … Il a alors assuré 15,4 % de la production mondiale d’uranium. The first ore slurry was sent to the McClean Lake mill in March 2014, and treatment began there in October 2014. Mine de Cigar Lake; Usines. Measured and indicated resources in five other associated deposits, mostly Jacques Lake, are 7500 tonnes U3O8. This program ended in 1974 when demand for uranium for power generation was sufficient to support the industry.[3][6]. The estimated average cash operating cost for Cigar Lake increased from $14.40 per pound U3O8 in 2007 to $23.14, but revised milling plans reduced this estimate to $18.60 per pound. PRODUCTION MONDIALE D’URANIUM (TONNES D’U) Source : Association nucléaire mondiale. In Canada, uranium ores first came to public attention in the early 1930s when the Eldorado Gold Mining Company began operations at Port Radium, Northwest Territories, to recover radium. The deposit, discovered in 1981, is second in size of high-grade deposits only to the nearby McArthur River mine. Mine de McArthur River(Saskatchewan) 4. The company challenged a provincial government moratorium on exploration and mining imposed in April 2008, and the British Columbia government settled by paying the company $30.36 million in 2014. The McClean Lake mill was licensed only for 5900 t/yr, and in May 2016 Orano’s (then Areva Resources) application to increase this to 10,900 t/yr was approved by the CNSC and in 2017 the licence was extended to 2027. Exploration for uranium began in earnest in 1942, in response to a demand for military purposes. [4] In 2008, the government established a "no registration reserve" under the Mineral Tenure Act for uranium and thorium. While concluding that it would be "premature" to authorize the development of a uranium industry now, the BAPE commission urged the Québec government not to preclude uranium mining on a temporary or permanent basis because of potential legal and economic impacts. The mill is also expected to treat other ores in due course, notably from Midwest. The strategic nature of such material resulted in a ban on prospecting and mining of all radioactive materials across Canada. Historique de la production d'uranium au Canada. The Shea Creek project (one of nine JVs 51% owned by Orano, 49% UEX Corp. which is 21.3% owned by Cameco) in the western Athabasca Basin 13 km south of Cluff Lake has reported high-grade ore. Histoire 1943 - 1991 : époque soviétique. This first phase of Canadian uranium production peaked in 1959 when more than 12,000 tonnes of uranium were produced. Following the April 2013 moratorium, in November 2013 the Quebec government refused to authorize the Matoush underground exploration phase. Remote control of a scoop tram at Rabbit Lake (Cameco). To assist the domestic uranium industry, the federal government initiated a stockpiling program to purchase uranium. In March 2010, the Nunavut government ruled that the proposal would be reviewed by a territorial regulator rather than undergo a federal environmental assessment. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; In 2014 a little production was reported. It said: “Orebody knowledge progressed with geological and structural interpretation and resource modelling” and recorded an impairment charge of US$ 229 million, valuing the project at US$ 250 million. In addition to mining operations planned for the near future, active exploration involving more than 40 companies continues in many parts of Canada. production d'uranium (tonnes) type Mine d'uranium de Jadugoda: UCIL: 1967: 2300+ (estimation) ST Bhatin (en) UCIL: 1967: 1 230: ST Narwapahar (en) UCIL: 1995: 1 050: ST Turamdih (en) UCIL: 2002: 1 730: ST mine d'uranium Tummalapalle (en) Pulivendula (en) UCIL: 1989 (?) The uranium yielded C$ 330 million in export revenue, more than for any other mineral export from Canada that year. Construction on the mine project began in 2005 with production originally scheduled to start in 2011. Orano is establishing a joint venture with Waseco Resources to explore the Labrador Trough project. En 2013, le Canada a produit 9 331.5 tonnes d’uranium, évaluées à environ 1,2 milliard de dollars. Une fois le minerai extrait de la mine, on le broie généralement pour obtenir des particules de taille uniforme, après quoi un procédé de lixiviation chimique permet d'en retirer l'uranium. La production d'énergie nucléaire représentait 15% de l' électricité du Canada en 2017. Uranium exploration was not subject to NROP, and there were several exploration-level uranium assets in Canada with major foreign ownership which cannot proceed to mining unless the NROP was liberalised. !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> Tailings are deposited in a mined-out pit. Uranium exploration was restricted to the joint efforts of Eldorado and the Geological Survey of Canada. Raven has indicated resources of 5500 tonnes at 0.11%, with cut-off 0.05%, at 100 to 300 m deep. However, three provinces, none of which are familiar with uranium mining, have banned uranium mining and exploration: Nova Scotia (since 1981), British Columbia (1980-87 and from 2008) and Quebec (since 2013). [3] This period marked the end of the first uranium boom and saw the number of operating mines drop to four. The Michelin deposit has measured resources of 15,490 tonnes U3O8 (13,135 tU), indicated resources of 22,750 tonnes U3O8 (19,290 tU) and inferred resources of 10,400 tonnes U3O8 (8820 tU) based on NI 43-101 figures published in mid-2014. Le premier gisement d'uranium est découvert en 1979. Grand Nord canadien : les autorités du Nunavut rendent un avis défavorable sur le projet de mine d’uranium d’Areva. In 1988 the newly-formed Cameco Corporation* discovered the massive McArthur River deposit. As a result, in 1943 the Government of Canada expropriated the assets of Eldorado and formed a federal crown corporation, Eldorado Mining and Refining Limited, to oversee Canadian uranium assets. In 2012 Cameco paid C$150 million for Orano's (then Areva Resources) 28% share. Le Canada est l'un des plus grands producteurs mondiaux d'uranium. As part of the Canada-EU free trade agreement negotiated in October 2013, the foreign ownership restrictions would be relaxed. Ore slurry from remote mining is trucked for toll treatment at Orano's expanded McClean Lake mill, 70 km northeast*. La mine de McArthur emploie 275 personnes. [8][9], Active mine This became a joint venture in December 2018, with CanAlaska 70% owner and also operator. Deposits around the Bancroft, Ontario, area were discovered by the early 1950s, and the first discovery in Ontario's Elliot Lake region was in 1953. Mining commenced at Cigar Lake in 2014. The Elliot Lake area of Ontario, which was the centre of Canada's early uranium mining, is again attracting exploration. Camion dans un carrière d'une mine d'extraction du minerai d'uranium à Peny, France, en juillet 1979. Orano says that the mill is the most technologically-advanced in the world, being able to treat ore from less than 1% to 30% U, and is the only facility capable of processing high-grade uranium ore without diluting it. During the 1960s the federal government supported the domestic uranium industry by initiating a stockpiling program which ended in 1974, after some 7000 tonnes of uranium were purchased at a cost of C$ 100 million. Grades of up to 30% ore at depths of 280 metres have also been reported nearby. Un gisement au minerai exceptionnel It is along strike from McArthur River and geologically very similar, with some high-grade uranium mineralisation. Land access issues hinder active exploration at present. In Nova Scotia, exploration has been proposed at Millet Brook, but it awaits a review of a 1985 moratorium on uranium mining in the province. UEX has 30% with JCU (Canada) Exploration and is moving to 70%. Cameco earlier said that it would take 18-24 months for the mine to ramp back up to full production. The Bow prospect is 3.7 km northeast of Arrow and very close to Purepoint’s Spitfire. La mine appartient aux sociétés Areva (70%), Denison Mines (22.5%) et Ourd Canada (7.5%) [1]. Uranium mines and mills waste section of Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission website ( Cameco, which has 50.025% ownership, is managing the joint venture, with Orano holding 37.1%, Idemitsu 7.875% and TEPCO Resources 5%. In uranium-rich northern Saskatchewan, exploration projects are now well-advanced at several locations. The suspension, due to persistent uranium price weakness, was expected to last for 10 months, but in July 2018, Cameco announced that the mine was shut for an "indeterminate period".

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