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Thème Ligands d’Acides Nucléiques (Targeting of Nucleic Acids research group)

Why Nice

Université Côte d’Azur among the 10 main French universities

The Université Côte d’Azur (UCA) is a community of universities and institutions (COMUE) which, in addition to its 13 members, groups together public and private entities of higher education and research. In 2016, UCA was awarded the very selective "IDEX" Future Investment Program with the UCAJedi (Joint, Excellent & Dynamic Initiative) project aimed at identifying the top 10 French universities. The investment of nearly 600 million euros that will be allocated to UCA will generate 14.5 million euros per year.

The Institute of Chemistry of Nice belongs to Université Côte d’Azur and includes four main research axes :

  • Bioactive Molecules
  • Fragrances : synthesis and molecular modeling
  • Human and Environmental Radiochemistry
  • Sustainable materials and polymers

TNA research group belongs to the Bioactive Molecules axes.

Living in Nice

Capital of the French Riviera, Nice enables quick and easy access to the entire coastline as well as the mountain resorts and the Mercantour National Park, only 1.5 hours from the sea. In this natural environment, every season is conducive to incentives, unusual itineraries, and adventures. Nice enjoys an exceptional microclimate which contributes to its eminence, with more than 300 days of sunny days.

Located in the heart of the city, just 15 minutes from the Airport (2ⁿd International airport in France), Sciences Campus includes chemistry, biology and physics institutes together with mathematics, informatics and geology.