Fix the films position with a narrow strip of duct or masking tape. I would have to suggest you to do articles even more frequently. I am Brazilian and it is very difficult to sue an 8mm here. Two PVC drain pipes, in Europe the standard diameter is (75 mm and 110 mm) (about 3" and 4.3"). SI VOUS DÉSIREZ UN MODE DE TRANSPORT SUIVI OU ASSURÉ contactez nous ou demandez le au laboratoire lors de lexpédition pour connaitre le coût de cette prestations supplémentaire . Um gewiss sagen zu können, dass die Auswirkung von Genre et développement tatsächlich gut ist, empfiehlt es sich einen Blick auf Erfahrungen aus sozialen Medien und Testberichte von Anwendern zu werfen.Studien können nur selten als Hilfe genutzt werden, denn normalerweise werden jene einzig und allein mit verschreibungspflichtigen Präparaten gemacht. Best though is the one. [3] Lets say E-6 process. Juni 2011 in den Kinos der Vereinigten Staaten, in Deutschland war er ab dem 4. Super 8 wurde 1965 eingeführt und war kam weitestgehend im privaten Bereich zum Einsatz. Nous avons choisi la technologie Fuji, garantie de qualité N°1 I love the slinky idea :) Super 8 ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 2011 mit Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning und Kyle Chandler in den Hauptrollen. For the connectors I used, the gasket was better placed on the (dry) outside., le spécialiste du développement de photo numérique : transférez vos fichiers à notre labo-photo en ligne. i’ve been doing some serious research about home processing tank construction and this is wonderful. Now you need to sacrifice a film — exposed or unexposed, you need a small reel with 15m (50 ft) film that might get scratches while mounting the guide wire. Drill a little hole next to the film's beginning and mount the bell wire with a tight luster terminal on the inside of the pipe. Werfen wir also unseren Blick darauf, was sonstige Nutzer zu dem Mittel zu berichten haben. ok so i’ve made the processing tank….now how do i use it? Es gab aber für Super 8 auch fertige Filme zu kaufen, darunter sogar bekannte Spielfilme. L'ancienne chimie compliquée K14 a laissé place à la chimie E6 plus facile à mettre en oeuvre. You only need a handful of standard parts from the nearest DIY, a few tools and some patience. The increased surface area would rapidly reduce chemical temperature. Push the small slip-on sleeve on the thinner end of the pipe. [Anwendbare Szene] Es gibt super weiche und hochwertige Stoffe an der Außenseite und die Innenseite ist weiß. Mit Erscheinen von Super 8 ging man dazu über, das vorherige Format als Normal 8 (englisch: Regular 8) zu bezeichnen. August, in Österreich erstmals tags darauf zu sehen. The inner diameter should be just about 1". Not sure why. I’m interested in developing negative film and 38 degrees is ‘fairly’ important. How am I supposed to use this thing? Pour le développement des films Super8 15m couleur inversible E6 et Noir et Blanc inversible ci dessous et uniquement ceux-ci (Pour les anciens films 3m , Perutz, Revue, Agfa etc voir la page laboratoires )Les Kodak EKTA 160 type G et PROCESS EM26 sont uniquement développés aux Etats Unis par Rocky Mountain Film Lab, 560 Geneva Street, 80010 Aurora, Co. 303 364 6444 / Developing Super-8 stock yourself is fun, brings mostly great results and saves a lot of money. Hosted by Holistic Unite d'Auroville and Oasis des Possibles NC. End with another knot, which should be as taut as possible. Now it is time to make the racks/spacers from the clothesline — this keeps the film strip away from the pipe surface. Carry on the very good work! You need to try that out carefully. Congratulations - the hardest part is done! I have a huge care for this stuff and I can’t find opportunity and enough money to work it. yes i agree with several others before me you should also post a good how to for processing film… i recently bout a Keystone Capri K28 and would love to use it but i don’t know much about 8mm so i need to figure out the right kind of film and a way to process it. Kontakt,, 65 ft (20 meter) clothesline, ideally slightly structured. proof & you want to know how to build a stainless rod cylinder without welding. A steel cylinder would have the disadvantage of pretty quickly getting solution’s temperature down though. Chemin de la haute couveléee, Dumbéa, New … Super 8 ist ein Filmformat, das 1964 von Kodak entwickelt und 1965 auf dem Markt eingeführt wurde. Now put the inner core in the outer casing, push in the socket plugs — That's it! Fix the end as the beginning, but through a rubber band loop to keep the film tensioned. Developpement excel - Die preiswertesten Developpement excel verglichen! Les premiers Super 8 Kodachrome date de 1965 et les derniers 2005. Under tension rotate the core and wind the film from the left edge with its emulsion facing towards you around. Super 8 gilt als Nachfolger für das bis dahin bekannte Normal-8-Filmformat. The wire should be seated firmly and equally spaced on the clothesline, thus it stays were it is even if you touch the core in the dark. I also subscribed to your Rss. Unsere Decken haben eine samtige Unschärfe und fühlen sich weich an. The chemicals have to get well-stirred, so it's better to do a few extra. Hi there. Roughen it to avoid bumpy seams, and keep it away from the pipe ends — we need space here to mount the film end with a stapled loop later on. are slinkys made from stainless steel i wonder? Der Film lief ab dem 10. Die Bezeichnung Super in Super 8 bezog sich auf das größere Bildformat gegenüber dem bis dahin verfügbaren 8-mm-Film. I’m 26 years old and since I was 8 years old, I keep two cartridges that I filmed, but I haven’t a chance to process the filmed material. If in doubt, put gaskets on both sides. thank you, thank you. Makers of computer assisted animation, compositing and special effects software for digital artists, cartoon animators and TV stations. ‘bye now. Very good written content. You seem to know every detail about this topic. Sollten Sie weiterhin Zweifel hinsichtlich Livre développement de l enfant hegen, fehlt Ihnen vielleicht einfach die Leidenschaft, um endlich die Dinge zu verändern. Kodak ne développe plus les films Kodachrome super 8 depuis le 30 septembre 2006 . I might make such a video – certainley on Super-8 then :) Stay tuned. Super weich und fühlt sich toll an. Good idea. Keep up the good work. Important are the gaskets holding the socket plugs — mine were covered with silicone goo. Now mount the socket plugs with the gaskets, the hosepipe connectors and two 1.5 ft pieces of hosepipe. Now you need to take your time and be sharp-eyed — take your glasses if necessary. At least one side should have a sealed connecting sleeve. Watch out that the adhesive does not creep out, cut all adhesive threads away carefully. Using the cutter and one cap nut of the hosepipe connector as a jig, cut two 1" gaskets. Toutes les informations sur Ciné sont sur la page Ciné Super8 et les cordonnées sur Mentions légales. I doubt the chemicals would appreciate that. if so a stainless rod cylinder for the slinky would be better. Unser Testerteam wünscht Ihnen bereits jetzt viel Spaß mit Ihrem Developpement excel! Regie führte J. J. Abrams, der auch das Drehbuch schrieb. Dwayne's Photo PO Box 274 / 415 S 32nd street Parsons, KS USA 67357 site Dwaynes . The hosepipe connectors should be right about screwable into these holes. Eingetragen am 22 January, 2006 um 09:22:16 pm in Kategorie Basteln, Super 8. $25.00. Laboratoire Argentique Super 8, 16mm, Super 16 et 35mm Ciné Dia, faisant désormais partie du Groupe ColorCity, est un laboratoire argentique et numérique professionnel au service des industries du cinéma et de la télévision. You now can rewind the film on the wheel. about 7 months ago. Nous les imprimons dans les minutes ou heures qui suivent et vous recevrez vos photos dans votre boîte aux lettres. a spiral groove in the right size pipe… expanding or contracting the slinky a little by rotation of one end will be possible. A behind the scene of developing Kodak Super 8 reversal film. Le développement des films inversibles Super 8 s'est considérablement amélioré depuis 50 ans. Oasis des Possibles NC. or any advice on quantities. I may have missed something! pin. You now should deburr all holes carefully with the box cutter. Push the big slip-on sleeve (110mm = ~4.3") on the thinner end, so far that the drain pipe socket plug is well leakproof but still removable with some torque. Dies wurde durch eine schmalere Perforation ermöglicht, wobei die Löcher auch an einer anderen Stelle saßen, nämlich immer in der Mitte eines Bildes anstatt zwischen zwei Bildern. Does the color turn out right? If you are uncertain, make the core a little longer and leave a little space for tolerance. Great resource, just starting to research super 8 coming out of uni. It shows the rest of the home development setup but is distant and features no assembly or chemicals necessary. Sur cette page vous trouverez l'adresse des laboratoires pour envoyer les films Super 8, 8mm, Single 8, 16mm à développer mais aussi les bordereaux de commande pour le développement des chargeurs pellicules Super 8 You only need a handful of standard parts from the nearest DIY, a few tools and some patience. It is important to work accurately here -- better check the film distance every three turns with a little bell wire loop. It seems fantastic. After about 64 windings the film should be spread over the pipe. Hi there. this is amazing. Below is described how everyone can do this now. To do this, drill 8 equally spaced holes in each end of the pipe. Das Super-8-Format sollte pünktlich zu den Olympischen Spielen in Tokio fertiggestellt werden. Has you had any problem controlling the temperature with this thing? To increase precision, you should now fix the clothesline with some 4" strips of hot-melt adhesive. … Le développement du chargeur Super 8 est ensuite conditionné en petite bobine. Two drain pipe socket plugs and one slip-on sleeve 110 mm (or ~4.3"), 65 ft (20 meter) bell wire with 1 mm (~0.04") outer diameter, Two 0.5" hosepipe connectors (see bottom picture for a common German product), Two luster terminals (insulating screw joints), An old inner tube (from a bicycle) or two 1" gaskets (fitting to the hose connectors), Power drill and drill bits 3, 4, 9, 26 mm (about 5/32", 3/8", 1") or similar, dark pencil, eraser, Sharpie and acetone (or similar, for removing it), Box cutter for deburring the holes in the drain pipes. Now you wind the bell wire in-between. Guys, this is only the tank. You now drill a minimum of 32 holes with your 3/8" (or bigger) wood drill into the pipe. Developpement excel - Der absolute Vergleichssieger unserer Tester. Super 8 ® Worldwide is the world's largest economy lodging chain with over 2,200 properties in the U.S., Canada and China. I would like to give you a suggestion: it would be very helpful to readers a simple home video teaching building and mainly handling the tank, to lessen the chance of things going wrong, after all, in cases like mine, material is very important and the fear begins to prevail over the action of bringing images to life. C'est d'ailleurs dans ce laboratoire que sont traités les Chrome40 Wittner ( d'où les délais Don't stop verifying though, take a ruler to check if 5 windings are exactly 44 mm (1.73") from most left to most right film edges. .amazing. is it for photography? Accueil Films Super8 Tout Bauer et Nizo Modes d'emploi Forum Contact Articles News de Tout & Partout La Boutique Ciné-Super 8 Section Tests Location matériel Cinéma Technique Super8 Ciné-combines Reparer? Searching on other sites, I found these instructions. SUPER, Ball Bushing Bearing, 0.500 , Self-Aligning, Closed Type, Non-Adjustable , Not Corrosion Resistant Integral Seals 1.2500, 1/2 L CTL Da die Super 8-Ausstattung einfach zu bedienen und relativ günstig war, wurde das Filmen damit der breiten Masse zugänglich. oh and a great way to process your old kodachromw film that has been stoped processing everywhere on earth,,son if you ahve kodachrome still,,you can now try to process it,,,super 8,great,,,love this thing,,,yipeee,,, You certainly deserve a round of applause for your post and more specifically, your blog in general. Trim the big (4.3") tube — it should become 2" longer than the inner core. Very high quality material. Developing Super-8 stock yourself is fun, brings mostly great results and saves a lot of money. Il suffisait de déposer la pochette orange Kodak chez un photographe (par exemple Camara) et vous le receviez chez vous par la Poste sauf chez certaines enseignes (comme la Fnac) où il fallait venir le récupérer dans le magasin sous une quinzaine de jours. Quel que soit votre choix le film vous est retourné directement chez vous sans frais supplémentaires dans un délai de deux - trois semaines pour le traitement E6 ET N&B.RAPPEL Mode de TRANSPORT : Historiquement les films ont toujours été expédiés en lettre ordinaire et c'est toujours ainsi qu'ils sont envoyés aux Laboratoires et qu'ils vous le retournent. Kodak offrait le développement, il était compris dans le prix d’achat du film. And don’t wait too long with your old cartridges, the latent image fades over time. how much solution does it takes to fill the tank? Le développement permet par un processus chimique de révéler les images de la pellicule super 8 sous forme de photogrammes. how many meters will it process in a single go? Alle der im Folgenden beschriebenen Developpement excel sind unmittelbar im Internet verfügbar und zudem in kürzester Zeit bei Ihnen zu Hause. Below is described how everyone can do this now. I really liked reading your blog post!. The film has to be seated planar and solidly, and each winding has to have exactly 1 mm (~0.04") distance to the next. Produziert wurde der Film von Steven Spielberg, Abrams und Bryan Burk. Thanks Thys, this is by far the most impressive do it yourself i’ve seen - just wondering if I attempt it, do you have a recipe for the processing chemicals? Results are as good as home processing gets — I assume most people doing this take some uniqueness of the results into early consideration anyway. La numérisation ou transfert La numérisation est un autre processus qui consiste à "convertir" les photogrammes argentiques en numérique. Hello, wonderful post! If you have not done so yet, clean all parts now carefully. Thanks. Super 8 has recently launched a brand refresh with a new logo and a fresh, new interior and exterior design program. you know, the kid’s toy that “walks” down stairs. La numérisation est un processus numérique de transfert d'une bobine déjà développée vers un support DVD, disque dur, clef USB... ou vers un serveur internet. )Is this easily done with my ’seeing-eye’ fingers? It is important to unwind and not just pull from the ring to avoid radial windings of the wire! If you want, you can now also drill holes from the side through the hose connector, thus the chemicals can drain out easier. Unfortunately, I did not get the holes on the connector and the cap nut congruent — I think though I can afford losing a few drops of chemicals due to the remaining "footbath" :-). I’m quite a handy man, but can’t figure out what the hell a super 8 home processing tank is? Fix the end with another tight luster terminal. Of course you gotta get a the chemistry you need for that. They also need to be(come) light proof and should not expose any reservoirs for chemicals, so fill them up with hot-melt adhesive and make sure that chemicals can stream out fast and easily. :-). Geben Sie Ihrer Familie und Freunden ein perfektes Geschenk. NOTA IMPORTANT: Le résultat du traitement des films dont la date de péremption est largement dépassée n'est pas garanti (les films peuvent être voilés, les images peuvent disparaitre et les couleurs peuvent virer partiellement par endroits ou sur la totalité du film ). Tighten the screws really firmly &mdash you really want to avoid any light leaking in! Thank you very much, very nice anyway! Yes, there sometimes is anti-halation layer, which is annoying. Again with heavy tension, unwind 15 m (50 ft)from the roll. After a few windings, you will get a good feeling for "exactly 1 mm" and the procedure gets easier. =-=, Panerai Ferrari Granturismo Rattrapante,Panerai Ferrari Scuderia GMT,Panerai Luminor,Panerai Luminor Arktos,Panerai Luminor Automatic Tourbillion,Panerai Luminor Classic,Panerai Luminor. It is helpful to mount this reel on a viewer or projector thus the film unwinds easily and straight. is there an anti-halation layer on the back of movie film? En effet, le développement d'un film Super 8 est un processus chimique pour révéler l'image sur le support en acétate ou polyester. 00-), You got some really good information here which is very well written. … Hi. Super 8 Processing. Pour faire développer vos Kodachrome 40 ( en payant) ils faut les envoyer aux USA. You have to go into a dark chamber and follow a developping process. Staple one film end to a loop around the clotheswire and push the loop to the very left edge. Drill a 1" hole into each drain pipe socket plug, if necessary, extend the whole carefully with cutter and round file. Quantity: Price $25 per roll. Is it as good as a Lomo tank? Unser Team wünscht Ihnen bereits jetzt eine Menge Vergnügen mit Ihrem Stratégie développement! clock. This page said I was a reported spammer? With over 40 years of Super 8 processing experience our lab procedures are highly evolved for the best handling of small format film.