Projects of research


Superpropulsion of droplets and soft elastic objects

with F. Celestini, M. Argentina, J. Mathiesen, T. Darmanin


Inertial dynamics in liquid foams

with M. Argentina, N. Fraysse, F. Celestini, S. Cox, R. Goldstein, A. Pesci
CohenPRE2015 CohenPRE2015 CohenPRE2015 CohenPRE2015


Droplet dynamics

with F. Celestini and T. Frisch
RaufasteEPL2016 CelestiniPOF2014 RaufastePOF2015


Swimming and fish locomotion

with M. Argentina
GibouinPOF2018 GibouinPOF2018


Three-dimensional foam flow resolved by fast X-ray tomographic microscopy

with R. Mokso, B. Dollet and S. Santucci
RaufasteEPL2015 MaderJCS2012