Other stuff to download and to see
Egg (&NYI) Summer Schools Spring classes in Czechia and Poland Slavic data links to other GP pages conferences The Girona Party
EGG Summer Schools
The pages of the Central European Summer School in Generative Grammar tell you about the whole event, and also link back to all previous schools (since we use the web).
Below is material of classes that I have taught at Egg (and, for Plovdiv 01, also of other phonology eggs)
- Lagodekhi, Georgia 2016
mini-theme in phonology at this year's EGG: The relationship between phonology and phonetics is arbitrary [description]
Why modularity predicts that the relationship between phonetics and phonology is arbitrary [handout]
- Brno, Czech Republic 2015
week 1: Introduction to Interface Theory [handout]
week 2: Introduction to Interface Theory [handout]
- Constanta, Romania 2010
Modularity and its generative offenders
course material
Modularity - the relevant piece of my forthcoming book. pdf
[general introduction to modularity for linguists, §37 is on the career of modularity in generative grammar]
[many of the Cognitive Science references quoted are on a ""secret"" site (please **don't link from anywhere !!**) that I've set up with over a hundred books entirely scanned. If you're interested, drop me a line, I'll send you the address by mail.]
PF - the relevant piece of my forthcoming book. pdf
- Olomouc, Czechia 2006 (13th EGG)
week 1: How non-phonological information is processed in phonology - a historical survey from Trubetzkoy to OT and Distributed Morphology
week 2: Direct Interface
Handout for both weeks: double sided pdf (714Kb), single sided pdf .pdf (1,7Mb)
- Cluj, Romania 2004 (11th EGG)
Handout Cluj week 1 (484Kb) Core phonological objects and processes
Handout Cluj week 2 (330Kb) How the big guys (morphology, syntax, semantics) talk to phonology, and what they tell her
- Nis, Serbia 2001 (8th CESSGG)
Phonology pages of the Nis Summer School.
Content: Haike Jacobs (course abstracts), Jonathan Kaye (abstracts & articles), Tobias Scheer (handouts, articles), Sabrina Bendjaballah (handout).
- Plovdiv, Bulgaria 1999 (6th CESSGG)
class: Syllable Unstructure: CVCV. Handout (122Kb)
- Debrecen, Hungary 1998 (5th CESSGG)
class: Syllable Structure in Government Phonology. Handout (159Kb)
- Olomouc, Czechia 1997 (4th CESSGG)
class: Apophony: a Theory of Regular Context-free Vocalic Alternations. Abstract (13Kb), Handout to come (the old file is really bumpy...)
- Olomouc, Czechia 1996 (3rd CESSGG)
class: Vowel-zero alternations. Handout (101Kb)
Formation Endnote
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MSHS), Nice
13, 14 et 20 juin 2012
- Support Powerpoint ppt
- documents nécessaires (ŕ importer dans Endnote lors de la formation) zip
EALING (Ecole d'Automne de Linguistique) Summer School 2007 - ENS Paris, 24-27 september 2007
How morpho-syntax talks to phonology: One-Channel Translation and Direct Interface
- Handout 1 pdf (130Kb)
- Handout 2 pdf (229Kb)
NYI Summer School 2006 held in St. Petersburg
In July 2006 I taught at the 4th New York-St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture.
- The life of yers in Slavic and elsewhere
class abstract pdf (72Kb)
class Handout: double sided pdf (430Kb), single sided pdf .pdf (400Kb)
Spring courses taught in Warsaw 01-02
- 2002
page of the class Introduction to Government Phonology
content: handouts, assignments, test, articles, material on Slavic (Polish & Czech).
- 2001
classes: 1) intermediate phonology, 2) The phonology of Czech
pages of these classes. Content: handouts, articles, material on Slavic (Polish & Czech).
Spring courses taught in Brno 05-06
- Introduction to generative phonology
Spring courses taught in Lublin 06
- How non-phonological information is processed in phonology - a historical survey from Trubetzkoy to OT and Distributed Morphology
double sided pdf (714Kb), single sided pdf .pdf (1,7Mb)
[same as the Egg 06 handout]
Various data collections regarding Slavic phonology
- List of words with initial Sonorant-Obstruent clusters in 13 Slavic languages
the introductory part of the file below provides detailed explanation regarding the goal and scope of the corpus, how it was constructed, how it is organised, what you can do in order to improve it and where it has been used.
- version 5,2 (released August 2006) [pdf] [doc]
- Templatic structure in Czech
- a) Handout .pdf (489Kb) of a class on Czech taught in Warsaw, spring 01
- b) Handout.pdf (248Kb) of a talk at fdsl4, Potsdam, 27-30 November 2001
Appendix to the Potsdam handout (data collection) .pdf (273Kb)
Places where you can download other material relevant to Government Phonology
Working Papers
- UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, everything since No 8 (1996) for free !
- SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics, vols 8 (1998) and 9 (1999) free for download, but not the more recent ones (4-7-03).
BWEARE: this seems to be a dead-end now (20-2-04): all the Working Papers pages have been removed (temporarily?) from the server.
- The Restrictive Phonology Research Group based in Japan: Phillip Backley, Kuniya Nasukawa and Toyomi Takahashi. A lot of papers to download.
- The Vienna Government Phonology pages, maintained by John Rennison
- John Harris' hompage, a host of papers waiting to be downloaded, and course material.
- Eugeniusz Cyran's hompage, under construction (2-06), for the time being only a list of his publications avaiblable, some items of which can be downloaded.
- Péter Szigetvári's hompage, a host of papers waiting to be downloaded, course material, list of publications...
- Stefan Ploch's hompage, where you can download his papers (downloading Ploch...).
- John Rennison's hompage, one paper ready for download (4-7-03), and the usual personal information.
- Sabrina Bendjaballah's hompage, where you can download 4 papers (20-2-04), and the usual personal information.
- Jean Lowenstamm's hompage, four papers ready for download (20-2-04), and the usual personal information.
- Gilles Boyé's hompage, four papers and his Ph.D (2000) ready for download (20-2-04), plus the usual personal information.
- Wiebke Brockhaus' hompage, no papers to download (4-7-03), but a list of her publications and the usual personal information.
- Emmanuel Nikiema's hompage, one paper ready for download (4-7-03), and a list of his publications, plus the usual personal information.
pages of two GDR conferences that I have co-organised (GDR is the Frenchies' phon-organisation)
The Girona Party
A Festschrift for Jonathan Kaye has been published in December 2003 at Mouton. On April 24th, 2004, some friends and colleagues of his have gone dwon to Girona/ Catalunya where Jonathan lives in order to give him a copy - he was not aware that the book exists.
The local newspaper has published an article about the event (in Catalan), including a picture. You can download it here.
John Rennison has shot some videos, including the scene when we trapped Jonathan at a restaurant. You can download the videos at his website (watch out: very large files !)