OCP 7 is supported by

Bases, Corpus, Langage

Old World Conference in Phonology 7
Nice, 28-30 January 2010
invited speakers:
Christian Uffmann, Eugeniusz Cyran, Marilyn Vihman
Call for papers

The seventh edition of the Old World Conference in Phonology is organized by the research group in Dialectology, Diachrony and Phonology of the research lab Bases, Corpus, Langage in Nice.

There is no specific theme for the main conference, but there is a thematic pre-conference workshop on Templates and phonological theory (especially in non-Semitic languages).

  • main conference: we invite submission of abstracts
    • either for 20 min oral presentation, followed by 10 min of discussion
    • or for poster presentation
    Submissions will be anonymously refereed by at least three reviewers (see the advisory board).

  • workshop on templates: we invite submission of abstracts
  • for 20 min oral presentation, followed by 10 min of discussion

Abstracts are submitted through the (very intuitive) EasyAbstracts system of Linguist List (don't worry, the submission process takes only a few clicks).
In order to submit, go to the OCP7 submission page before September 15th, midnight (MET).
You will be asked whether your submission concerns the main conference or the workshop.
in order to ensure an anonymous reviewing procedure, please double-check that the file which you upload is completely anonymous and does not contain any information that identifies the authors.
Uploaded files must be in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Pdf files carry information about users in the Document Properties (CTRL-D or file/document properties). Please make sure that no traces regarding authors survive in this rubric.
Note that there is no human between you and the reviewers: we won't touch your abstract before reviewers download it, hence there is no cleaning up of author-identifying information once your abstract is uploaded.

If you have problems while uploading your abstract, please DO NOT repeat the submission procedure several times: the submission software does not allow us to cancel submissions. Rather, contact us: if the wrong abstract was uploaded, we will be able to replace it with an updated version, you will just have to send us the latest version.

Instructions for abstract submission
  • upload your file to the OCP7 submission page
  • abstracts are no longer than two pages, with an eventual third page containing examples and references
  • submissions are restricted to one single-authored and one co-authored abstract at most
  • the conference language is English: abstracts and talks will be in English
  • deadline for submission: September 15th, 2009
  • page format: A4, 2,54 cm (one inch) margins on all sides, 12-point font, simple line spacing
  • file formal: .pdf
  • file name
    • submissions for the main conference:
      [title"-main.pdf"], e.g. "Sonority is ugly-main.pdf"
    • submissions for the workshop:
      [title"-workshop.pdf"], e.g. "Templates in Nissart-workshop.pdf"