A sightseeing tour of the Principality of Monaco will be followed by a dinner in a restaurant.

Discover the history of Monaco and the anecdotes of the most famous visitors since the Belle Epoque era.



The Principality of Monaco is the smallest country in the world after the Vatican! In spite of this situation, it is a full independent country with its Constitutional Monarchy and its Royal family ruling it for over 7 centuries. The current Prince Albert II took over in 2005 from his father Prince Rainier III who was married to the charismatic American actress Grace Kelly.

This mythical country became famous thanks to one of its district known around the world: Monte-Carlo. Monaco’s nineteenth-century heritage is a major keystone to a full understanding of what the Principality became in just a short time and in an extraordinary way through this unique landmark.

The heart and authentic part of the Principality is what we call “Le Rocher”. The old town with the Prince Palace, the Institutional buildings, the world renowned Oceanographic Museum, the Cathedral...will enable you to discover Monaco, its history and the Grimaldi dynasty more intimately. A comprehensive stroll to get the real flavor of Monaco far beyond the "common stereotypes"!


Organized by Fair and Fairy & Alcyon - Monaco

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