Registration fee


Regular early (before July 15)*: 450 €
Regular late (after July 15)*: 550 €
Student early (before July 15)*: 280 €
Student late (after July 15)*: 380 €
Industry: 900 €
Social event: 130 €


10% registration fee reduction are available for IUPAC Members, Affiliate Members and Fellows:

Regular early (before July 15)*: 405 €
Regular late (after July 15)*: 495 €
Student early (before July 15)*: 252 €
Student late (after July 15)*: 315 €
Social event: 130 €


*The conference fee include participation, coffee breaks, the book of the conference and NICE Conference membership for the year 2016 (renewed every year by tacit agreement).




The payment can be done by bank transfer/purchase order or Paypal account.


Bank transfer/purchase order

The conference fee can be paid by bank transfer and purchase order. Note that all bank charges must be paid by the participant.
All payments should state NICE2016 and the name of the participant in the explanation.
An invoice can be delivered on request at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. .


Paypal account

The conference fee can be paid by PayPal account. Please note that the paypal payment is charged by additional payment fee.

Full participant (581€)
Full participant IUPAC (523€)
Student participant (402€)
Student participant IUPAC (333€)
Industry (950€)
Social event (138 €)


Cancellation policy: Refunds will be provided for request made before July 1st, 2016. Please note that we do not assume the bank transfer fee for the refund. After July 1st 2016, refunds are not delivered.


Bank account details


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